Almost makes today's massive stock market plunge more palatable to know the Highest Court in the Land got it right on gun rights, reaffirming an individual's right to bear arms (as enumerated in the Second Amendment), even in the District of Columbia. The decision effectively overturns a 32-year ban on hand guns in the District, as it should have.
This is especially good news after the Court's pathetic decision yesterday banning the death penalty for child molesters.
This from today's Washington Times:
"The Supreme Court this morning struck down the District's 32-year-old ban on handguns, ruling that the right to bear arms as guaranteed in the Second Amendment applies to individuals and not only to militias.
"In a 5-4 decision, the justices' landmark ruling affirmed a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in March of last year that gutted much of the District's stringent gun statutes. Justice Antonin G. Scalia wrote the court's majority opinion.
"In sum, we hold that the Districts ban on handgun possession in the home violates the Second Amendment, as does its prohibition against rendering any lawful firearm in the home operable for the purpose of immediate self-defense," Justice Antonin G. Scalia wrote in the court's majority opinion."
I mean who in the world decided 32 years ago that individuals in the District were exempt from the 2nd? And what, praytell, took so long to challenge this absolutely unconstitutional and nanny state decision? Well anyway, good for us now. Good for the individual rights of the citizens of D.C. and good for the Supreme Court.
Second Amendment.
Well, as I'm sure you know, the District of Columbia is not a state. Article One of the Constitution calls for a federal district which is separate from the states. D.C. residents pay local, state and federal taxes yet has only a non-binding member of the House (her votes count only in committee, not on final passage of legislation) and a "shadow" Senator.
The Congress has traditionally held the authority over decisions regarding D.C. Since home rule was established in 1973, the City Council has been able to enact certain types of legislation for the residents, although the Congress can review and overturn the rulings if they do not like or agree with them (talk about a "nanny state"!!!)
The handgun ban was established by a 12-1 vote on the City Council in 1976. Congress has been trying unsuccessfully to not only overturn the ban on owning a handgun and keeping it in your house (what the recent Supreme Court decision reversed), but has proposed numerous times a lifting of restrictions on carrying a gun in public places.
This stuff is all on the internet - a 5 minute google search will give you the history of the ban and answer any questions.
I was pleased with the decision. It was interesting to watch Katie Curic and CBS News go into mourning last night. You could almost hear a dirge being piped in the background.
This has good consequences for the traditions of hunting, commerce in guns, the concept of self-defense, and just a breath of fresh air.
Couldn't agree with you more, John. This was a fundamentally important decision.
But... it is pretty amazing that 4 on the SCOTUS are ready to flush the 2nd Amend. It hung on Kennedy the windsock. Now the cases to overturn bans in Chicago, SF etc. will come. The difference will be states v. the district.
Happy Heller Day!!!
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