Almost makes you weep just to look at em, doesn't it? Polar bears. Stranded on disappearing ice floes. Out of luck. Out of food. Out of time. You can almost hear the death rattles.
It's a planetary emergency. Call Al. Perhaps he can arrange for some food to be airlifted. Or maybe we should call Hank Paulson and have him arrange for Goldman Sachs and The Nature Conservancy to buy up Arctic Ice floes with brokered carbon credits.
Dwindling. Victims. Of us. Of man-made global warming. Of CO2. Here's the proof. See above. This photo proves it. Here it's featured rather prominently at the new Newseum in Washington, DC (the MSM's dazzling tribute to itself, as it too goes into rapid extinction) for all the school children and tourists to see the fright.
It's over for the bears now. Right?
Er, wrong.
Tomorrow when I'm not so drained from the hot weather and a miserable cold, I'm going to finish this little story on the truth of polar bear extinction.
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