Friday, February 7, 2025

An Absolutely Fabulous Book and Myth Buster

IF YOU CAN TEAR YOURSELF AWAY FROM CONSTANT TRUMP NEWS CYCLES, DOGE AND SUPERBOWL SUNDAY,  then I have a sensational book recommendation for you: THE POWER OF NUCLEAR by Marco Visscher. He is an award winning reporter/journalist from the Netherlands who writes extensively on energy and climate issues.  He's what I call a 'real' journalist and myth buster.  Amazon readers give the book a 4.8 rating and it's easy to see why.  

Whatever you think about nuclear energy,  this book will impact your views.  

For now,  that's all I will say but if this recommendation calls you, then run to Amazon, buy the book and read it to the end.  I can't put it down!  Thanks, Marco!

Friday, January 24, 2025

Way To Go, Pete! 51-50

MANY, MANY CONGRATULATIONS, Pete Hegseth, on  winning the vote, with VP Vance's tie- breaking YES, to become Trump's new Secretary of Defense! It's a huge job, one that you're more than up for. 

You will make our fighting men and women fit and prepared again.

Congratulations, Pete!

Monday, January 20, 2025

Now for the Fun Stuff

MELANIA STOOD OUT BIGLY TODAY in a tailored  navy suit and fabulous wide brimmed navy hat that added to the good taste and solemnity of the occasion. All I might add is let's make American women's hat life, fun and fashionable again by following Melania's lead.
 What a great looking dame! 

On the other hand, Lauren Sanchez looked more like a trollop. Does she ever go out dressed modestly and appropriately?

The Trump Inauguration

ALL GLORY TO GOD FOR HIS MERCY on our country! Here, the University of Nebraska choir.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Four Winds of God

The north wind often brings adversity and judgment, the east wind signifies destruction or significant change, the west wind offers relief and blessing, and the south wind conveys warmth and prosperity. Each wind carries God's purposes to accomplish His will, both in the natural and spiritual/supernatural  realms.Jul 29, 2024


As we continue through this Biblical wind/hellfire conflagration event in Los Angeles, it is worth pondering that the Santa Ana winds are EASTERLY WINDS  (flowing from east to west) originating in the higher elevations of the Great Basin deserts of Utah and Nevada.

So it is heralding destruction and change of epic proportions with more strong Santa Ana winds forecast for early this week.

On a personal note,  I am currently in a small town NW of Phoenix. The winds here have been unusually unrelenting since last Wednesday and are part of the Santa Ana phenomenom. We are about 335 miles from LA.

All most of us can do now in the face of this spreading  inferno is to bow our heads, rend our garments and beg God's mercy.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Genesis 1: First Murders In the Bible


It took only one generation for the human race to produce its first murderer (Gen. 4). Two reflections: 

(1) In the Bible, there are many motives behind murder. Jehu killed for political advantage (2 Kings 9-10); David killed to cover up his adultery (2 Sam. 11); Joab murdered out of revenge, and out of the fear of having his privileged position usurped (2 Sam. 3); some of the men of Gibeah in Benjamin killed out of unbridled lust (Judges 19). It would be easy to enlarge the list. On the occasion of the first murder, the motive was sibling rivalry out of control. Cain could not bear to think that his brother Abel’s offering was acceptable to God, while his own was not. Instead of seeking God so as to improve his own sacrifice, he killed the man he saw as his rival. What is common to all these motives is the assumption entertained by the murderer that he or she is at the center of the universe. Even God must approve what I do; if not, since I cannot kill God, I will kill those whom God approves. Instead of the glorious situation that obtained before the Fall, when in the minds of God’s image-bearers, God himself was at the center, and loved and cherished as our good and wise Maker and Ruler, now each individual wants to be the center of the universe, as if saying, “Even God must serve me. If he does not, perhaps it is time to invent new gods . . . ” Among the shocking elements in the murder of Cain is the stark fact that Cain’s nose is out of joint because he does not have God’s approval. The fatal sibling rivalry lies in this instance in the domain of religion. No matter: once I insist on being number one, I must be number one in every domain. Sad to tell, if the constraints of culture and fear of the penal system restrain me from outright murder, they are unlikely to restrain me from the kind of hate that the Lord Jesus insists is of the same moral order as murder (Matt. 5:21–26). So while the motives for murder are superficially many, at heart they become one: I wish to be god. And that is the supreme idolatry. 

(2) In the Bible, the innocent are sometimes murdered. In this account, Abel is the righteous brother, yet he is the one who is murdered. From this fact we must reflect on two things. First, the Bible is utterly realistic about the horrible cruelty and unfairness of sin. Second, already by way of anticipation, we quietly recognize that if ultimate redress and justice are possible, God must intervene—and the books can only finally be squared after death.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year! New Chapter

THIS IS MY FAVORITE NEWS DAILY!  WHY NOT?  It's conservative and based in my second  favorite state---Wyoming! It's upstream from the herd, and like me, covers what's interesting outside that insufferable cattle stampede..