My thoughts and sensibilities turn to streams and rivers as spring turns to summer here in the West. Driving down the spectacular Colorado watershed Friday, after leaving Evergreen, driving through the Eisenhower Tunnel and down into the grand valley below gave me the perfect opportunity to gaze at another one of the country's most spectacular river systems draining the Western slope of the Rockies. A weekend visit with friends here in Grand Junction afforded me this tour. (BTW, Grand Junction is a wonderful, affordable and beautiful small city with amazing outdoor recreation opportunities.)
The Colorado is running high, muddy and very fast as the late spring/summer runoff picks up steam. It's a time to watch rivers but not yet go near them, even to kayak. Certainly not fish. Lots of melted snow coming down too hard and fast.
When I get to Wyoming soon and start to wet a line, I first go far, far up into the high country on the smallest of streams, which clear and calm down first. That's where the big fish come to wait out the heavy stream flow below. As the runoff continues, fishermen slowly come down to the medium and finally the large water at the end of the summer. Brooks Lake Creek: One of the best early season, small trout streams in America. Certainly one of the most beautiful. I've taken many a beginner fly fisher here to learn to catch fish on a fly. No one ever wants to leave the stream! Once on, they want to stay for 12, 14, 16 hours at a time. That's how you know they're hooked. I've had to learn the fine art of getting them back to the car.
Better, thanks Bob. It's my Achilles Heel, sometimes called a ballerina ankle....I now vow not to ever hike without an Ace bandage on it....more than you want to know!
I'm a southern Christian conservative with a degree in civil & environmental engineering and a passion for the truth of God's Word, writing, hiking, investing, fly fishing, cooking and the great outdoors. My favorite tech invention = spellcheck. There are no such things as rights without responsibility, a free lunch, cheap grace, man-made climate change, successful government engineering, or figuring out when life begins. We're hurling towards the abyss with only One Life-Line: it's not botox, a "living" Constitution, celebrity president, or making nice with our dark enemies.. Meanwhile, God gave us His Word, His Son, Grace Upon Grace, family/friends and the greatest country in the world to live--if we can keep it .Comments are closed but you can email me at: webutante07 at gmail dot com. Thanks for coming by and be sure to view this in the 'web' version at the bottom.
Stewarding Timber Lands, Daylighting and Building Roads
Fall in Tennessee
Boys, Waterfall, Barrel of Monkeys. Fun
Jackson, Conservative Cat Patriot
Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down
National Anthem
AT in VA
My Favorite Hometown Buddies
Leaves Everywhere
Journeys To Significance---On the Life of Paul
Click Pic
The Philantropists: William Wilberforce
@ Tim Challies
Most Destructive Sin In Each Life
"The sin that is most destructive in our life right now is the one we are most defensive about."
---Tim Keller
Grace Sunday
G-Boy and Girly-G Baptized In Manhattan---God Bless Them and Their Parents!
Above Jackson Hole
On the Thames
Girly-G Looks For the Queeny-B!
At the AT Headquarters
At Harper's Ferry WV (click pic)
In A Central Park State of Mind
Last Stanzas of America the Beautiful
O beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern, impassioned stress A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law!
O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife, Who more than self their country loved And mercy more than life! America! America! May God thy gold refine, Till all success be nobleness, And every gain divine!
Visit to Scotland
G-Boy Tractors Around Scotland With His Late Great-Grandpapa, Fred
I enjoyed this post. How is your ankle?
Better, thanks Bob. It's my Achilles Heel, sometimes called a ballerina ankle....I now vow not to ever hike without an Ace bandage on it....more than you want to know!
You committed one of the deadly sins of a trout fisherman. Revealing the name of a good stream! Shame on you.
Yes, but, it's not the best of the best, hg...for that I would have to blindfold, gag and handcuff you before taking you there...
Sorry, already been there.
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