UPDATE: That's all? Well, if the U.N. says it's so then it must be so, right?
From Heritage Foundation:
This is all about the new national and global, politically correct obsession called C-A-R-B-O-N. It's a boondoggle of epic and unheralded proportions. It will sink our economy with higher taxes, lost jobs, and higher energy costs at a time when we baby boomers are collecting our cushy entitlements. And it's going to be a tsunami of trouble for us, our children and grand-children, if we're not careful.
It and all its clones in the Senate and House need to be defeated. It won't be easy if the Dems take both houses of Congress and the presidency. Surely there are easier ways to allay our carbon fears and fetishes than this.
This a clear case of the cure being worse than the so-called disease, a disease that is far from being conclusively diagnosed. Of course Mr. al-Gorda wouldn't agree, nor would Mr. arl-Marx. They like controlling the masses to suit their agendas. And this is a doosey of an agenda. Don't think al-Gorda doesn't have his new green investment fund at-the ready to make millions and billions off all the companies this kind of bill will empower through heavy-handed government bureacracy.
Meanwhile, the mass of taxpayers---that's you and me---will be footing the bills in the form of higher energy costs, lost jobs and more taxes. Below, Mr. al-Gorda awaits heavy-handed government regulation:
Do your part for al-Gorda's pocketbook: Be hysterical! Be very, very hysterical. Pull a global warming stunt like this one. Anything for the cause.
1 comment:
Thanks kor once again telling it like it is!
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