ALWAYS HEARTENING TO SEE COUPLES WHO SEEM HAPPY AS CLAMS in each other's company. That they're both knock-outs is icing on the cake. Living in a world of non-stop nonsense and bust-ups/downs and immodest busts all around--with the likes of the pathetic Charlie Sheen and out-of-control drunk Christina Argulera in our faces--isn't it reassuring to realize there are a few truly in love compatible couples living their lives soberly supportive and crazy about each other after all those years? Mind you, I know nothing about the true inner workings of their lives and marriage (and whether they have children etc), but from the looks of it, it seems to be well. They have certainly withstood the Oscar circus of the past weekend and trans-global flight looking no worse for the wear. I've always thought too much success, fame and fortune is often harder to endure than failure. I still think so. Somehow, though, I'm betting the Firths will take it all in stride and enjoy it for what it is---fleeting.

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