Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Christian Adams @PJMedia: Conservatives Must Go On Offensive for Border Crisis Against President's Willful, Shameful Lawlessness

THIS PIECE IS A MUST READ TODAY. I too simply don't understand all the hand-wringing about this terrible situation with no one in political power galvanizing support to do something concrete to stop it sooner rather than later.

If we won't or don't  start raising hell big time, then taking massive action to change things as they now are, we're in for a worsening crisis beyond our wildest dreams.

Then there's this in the Washington Times:  4/5 Fail Driver's written test under D.C.'s new drivers law.

PRUDEN:  Costly Fantasy of Impeaching Obama (or Most American Voters Are Over Sarah Palin too).

Mark Perry @ Carpe Diem:  People who claim to worry most about global warming use most electricity and energy (think Al Gore with the largest carbon footprint in modern civilization.)

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