Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My Pick for All Time Scariest Movie

When I was much younger, this was the scariest movie I ever saw. It literally frightened the wits out of me. Don't go see stuff like this anymore today, but back then it took me weeks to get over it.

I keep losing the YouTube video I put up, so instead, I'll just link to it. Kurt Russell was the best part. I liked him for decades, after seeing him prevail over The Thing in this movie.

Evidently, a new version comes out in 2008. No thanks, once was enough for me.


Unknown said...

Is this a trick or a treat? ;-)

Webutante said...

Yeah Tom....don't know why I'm scaring myself with this movie thing.

Unknown said...

I never saw that, so I'll have to rent it now. I thought the first Alien (OK, and the next one, too) was the scariest movie I ever saw.

Webutante said...

Most of it takes place underground in Antarctica,and they're trapped down there with The Thing......oh it gives me the willies just thinking about it again......