Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Battleground States Show Sharp Decline For Obama As Mitt Surges


AS MITT ROMNEY MOPS UP IN FLORIDA TONIGHT, many of my fellow conservative commenters diss and whine about Romney's conservative qualifications, his excessive, big spending and slim chances of beating the incumbent Democrat in November, I find myself surprisingly at peace with the apparent GOP nominee-in-wating. 

I simply can't remain on the anti-Romney  bandwagon any longer. Decades of successful experience in the private, public and non-profit sectors, as well as being an admirable husband and family man, give Mitt an undeniable upper hand in qualifications and wide ranging experience that stand him in good stead if he becomes the next president of the United States.

Over the past few months I bet Mitt Romney had NO chance whatsoever of beating President Obama in 2012 and gave a litany of group-think reasons why. Today, I'm not so sure that Romney can't pull off a win. Sure it will be a tough fight. But I no longer think it's a hopeless battle that he's bound to lose.

It just may be that Mr. Obama may to defeat himself.

A piece at FoxNation---entitled Battleground State Nightmare for Obama--reports today a state-by-state Gallup poll on the president's popularity in 2011 as compared to 2009. There's a dramatic drop in his approval ratings especially in battleground states like Pennsylvania, Ohio and Virginia.

Missouri (-16.5%)

2009 Gallup aggregate: 55.1%
2011 Gallup aggregate: 38.6%

New Hampshire (-15.9%)

2009 Gallup aggregate: 54.6%
2011 Gallup aggregate: 38.7%

Nevada (-14.6%)

2009 Gallup aggregate: 55.9%
2011 Gallup aggregate: 41.3%

New Mexico (-14.2%)

2009 Gallup aggregate: 55.9%
2011 Gallup aggregate: 41.7%

Florida (-13.2%)

2009 Gallup aggregate: 56.8%
2011 Gallup aggregate: 43.6%

Ohio (-13.2%)

2009 Gallup aggregate: 55.3%
2011 Gallup aggregate: 42.1%

Pennsylvania (-12.4%)

2009 Gallup aggregate: 57.4%
2011 Gallup aggregate: 45.0%

Virginia (-12.2%)

2009 Gallup aggregate: 57.7%
2011 Gallup aggregate: 44.5%

Iowa (-12.1%)

2009 Gallup aggregate: 57.7%
2011 Gallup aggregate: 45.6%

Michigan (-12.1%)

2009 Gallup aggregate: 60.2%
2011 Gallup aggregate: 48.1%

Colorado (-11.9%)

2009 Gallup aggregate: 52.3%
2011 Gallup aggregate: 40.4%

I find these number cautiously encouraging. And unless the president can turn this around, there's a good chance he can be defeated in November. I think Mitt will be the man to do it.

Oh yes he is.

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