Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why Such A Virulent Strain of E. Coli In Europe Now?

DR. MARC SIEGEL WRITES TODAY a perceptive and prescient piece at Fox News addressing why this deadly, extremely toxic strain of E. Coli is spreading throughout Europe at the moment. His answers are right on, in my opinion. If he's correct, we can expect to see much more of this in the future unless some critical 'lifestyle' changes are implemented soon for both cows and humans.....

It's doubtful these much needed changes will happen in our instant gratification culture except on a very small scale. Still it's worth noting what Siegel---and I--- think make ripe the conditions for this scary outbreak:

First, most cattle today are grain fed, rather than grass fed.

A grain diet--- fast food for cattle---is unnatural and changes the pH of cows' intestines. The changed intestinal pH causes E. Coli---the 'unfriendly' bacteria---to proliferate while killing off friendly flora/bacteria that keep cattle healthy. This phenomenam often creates toxic meat products----especially those processed and used in fast food chains----as well as toxic manure that's over-ladened with various evolving strains of E. Coli.

When toxic manure is used to fetilize fruits and vegetable crops, produce becomes contaminated. When eaten contaminated food can make us sick or kill those with weak immune systems.

To review, factor # 1 causing this deadly E. Coli outbreak spreading through Europe is toxic manure over-burdened with E. Coli from grain-fed cattle.

I will continue with Factor 2 later.

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