Michael Yon reports from Iraq: "It’s been a long time since I’ve seen any fighting. I can’t remember my last shootout: it’s been months. The nightmare is ending. Al Qaeda is being crushed. The Sunni tribes are awakening all across Iraq and foreswearing violence for negotiation. Many of the Shia are ready to stop the fighting that undermines their ability to forge and manage a new government. This is a complex and still delicate denouement, and the war may not be over yet. But the Muslims are saying it’s time to come home. And the Christians are saying it’s time to come home. They are weary, and there is much work to be done."
Today, Muslims mostly filled the front pews of St John’s. Muslims who want their Christian friends and neighbors to come home. The Christians who might see these photos likely will recognize their friends here. The Muslims in this neighborhood worry that other people will take the homes of their Christian neighbors, and that the Christians will never come back. And so they came to St John’s today in force, and they showed their faces, and they said, “Come back to Iraq. Come home.” They wanted the cameras to catch it. They wanted to spread the word: Come home. Muslims keep telling me to get it on the news. “Tell the Christians to come home to their country Iraq.”
A Catholic Bishop came to St John’s Church in Baghdad November 15, where a crowd of locals welcomed him home. They were joined at the service by soldiers from the 2-12 infantry battalion, many of whom had fought hard to secure these neighborhood streets. Members of the hard-fighting Iraqi Army 3rd Division were also here for this special day.
Read all of Michael Yon's post on this remarkable church service and the history behind it. You won't see much about it in the MSM. But there's much to be thankful for there.
I must link to this. What the MSM doesn't tell us!!!
Thanks for your prayers for our friends in Venezuela.
The more links the better, Rita. Isn't that why we're here....
I am going to link to you, also.
wonderful news! Linking to this post as well later this weekend probably. No time now, as I'm off to shop with Jungle Mom! Yipeee! What fun spending other people's money, Web!
Great post. Thank you for posting it.
We have much to be thankful for in Iraq and much also to make of these miracles in our daily writings...
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