Saturday, November 3, 2018

Sunday, From the Book of Proverbs

'Those who give to.j the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses. (28:27) I SHALL NOT WANT. If we are generous with wealth, we will lack nothing. While this cannot mean that all generous, righteous people become more prosperous, the second clause guves us a hint at why financial generosity van enhance material security. Selfish people get curses from the community around them. Thus the generous het the blessings of the community. In Mark 10:29-31 Jesus says that if, through generosity, you lose 'homes' or 'fields' for his sake, you will receive new ones 'in the present age.' The reason that Christians are free to radically give away money when needs are evident is because they are now members of a community that will do the same for them, should they ne in want.... In your life or the life of someone else, have you seen how the strength of a Christian community encourages and supports generosity? PRAYER: Lord, to live as a rugged individualist is not your will for me, and it leaves me vulnerable. Change my heart and strengthen the church so we, your people, can truly be members of one another. Amen From Tim Keller, Proverbs, God's Wisdom For Navigating Life NOTE: I had planned to do a post on a Christian perspective on Henley's Invictus. However, my computer screen has gone haywire and may be finished. Can't do that post until I get it fixed. Thanks for coming by.

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