IS THERE ANY NEWS MORE STUNNING THAN SCIENTISTS ACTUALLY SEEING AND DOCUMENTING A FLASH OF LIGHT AT THE MOMENT OF CONCEPTION? It's not particularly surprising, but nonetheless stunning. In keeping with the Big Bang Theory, it appears that all creation---ALL creation-- begins in the Mind of God the Creator followed by a bang and flash of light for all living creation. How elegant.
Michael Walsh writes at PJMedia about it. It's all miraculous and mysterious of course, but amazing that we are now able to view the light-filled miracle of life's first beginning and the Hand of God.
PERSONAL UPDATE: I have sold my condo of several decades after settling my lawsuit successfully. Even so, the developer destroyed our quality of life, privacy and large trees which will not come back in our lifetimes. So I sold my place to the first person who saw it at full price, as is. Over the next two or so weeks, I am in the process of moving and busier than 10 switch engines. For now, I am storing my furniture etc. outside Nashville, continuing to live at a good friend's country home outside White Bluff, Tennessee, as I have for the past two years, and will be going to Jackson Hole as soon as I can get away after Memorial Day....God willing.
Change is both scary and exciting but continued growth is unavoidable and the path to aliveness and adventure, so I'm managing my anxieties for the sake of this grand move and the next chapter of my life. Will be posting here at Webutante sporadically as I can.
But enough about me... Thank you for coming by!
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