UPDATE: McCain's GOP coronation begins as he flies back to D.C. Expect endorsements aplenty, starting Wednesday with President Bush at The White House.
It's over and here it begins. McCain has won Ohio and now the required 1,191 delegates to become the GOP nominee for president.
Here's what he needs to do now:
1)McCain needs to seriously consider the only real, viable VP candidate to run with him in November and that's Mike Huckabee. Huckabee has dropped out of the presidential race and now should be McCain's running mate. He's up for the race, has name and media recognition and will carry and deliver the Southern and Evangelical vote. He also appeals to anyone who wants to transform the tax system, which is almost everyone. He is a master communicator with a great sense of humor and the ability to laugh at himself. That plays well in this insufferably serious, polarized political climate. One last very superficial thing. Mike, like Mitt, has brown hair, is younger and generally would be a good pick to complement McCain at 71.
If John McCain picks some unknown governor as a running mate, his days will be numbered as a candidate.
2) McCain needs to appoint an informal council of economic advisers this week, men like Gov. Mitt Romney, Senator Phil Gramm, Larry Kudlow and other fiscal conservatives who will advise him on how to minimize the recession we're now entering so it doesn't become deeper and more prolonged.
3)McCain should begin immediately to hammer Barack Obama on his abysmal stand on NAFTA and other trade agreements, what the economy really needs, raising taxes and quick withdrawal in Iraq.
4) John McCain must become a living, breathing, non-stop HAMMER. Hammering the facts of life while Barack and Hillary yammer on. Hammer on the economy. Hammer on NAFTA. Hammer on Iraq. Hammer, hammer, hammer.
If he plays his cards right, John McCain will be the next president of the United States. Barack Obama is unquestionably peaking at this moment. He will not be president. Neither will Hillary.
It's over and here it begins. McCain has won Ohio and now the required 1,191 delegates to become the GOP nominee for president.
Here's what he needs to do now:
1)McCain needs to seriously consider the only real, viable VP candidate to run with him in November and that's Mike Huckabee. Huckabee has dropped out of the presidential race and now should be McCain's running mate. He's up for the race, has name and media recognition and will carry and deliver the Southern and Evangelical vote. He also appeals to anyone who wants to transform the tax system, which is almost everyone. He is a master communicator with a great sense of humor and the ability to laugh at himself. That plays well in this insufferably serious, polarized political climate. One last very superficial thing. Mike, like Mitt, has brown hair, is younger and generally would be a good pick to complement McCain at 71.
If John McCain picks some unknown governor as a running mate, his days will be numbered as a candidate.
2) McCain needs to appoint an informal council of economic advisers this week, men like Gov. Mitt Romney, Senator Phil Gramm, Larry Kudlow and other fiscal conservatives who will advise him on how to minimize the recession we're now entering so it doesn't become deeper and more prolonged.
3)McCain should begin immediately to hammer Barack Obama on his abysmal stand on NAFTA and other trade agreements, what the economy really needs, raising taxes and quick withdrawal in Iraq.
4) John McCain must become a living, breathing, non-stop HAMMER. Hammering the facts of life while Barack and Hillary yammer on. Hammer on the economy. Hammer on NAFTA. Hammer on Iraq. Hammer, hammer, hammer.
If he plays his cards right, John McCain will be the next president of the United States. Barack Obama is unquestionably peaking at this moment. He will not be president. Neither will Hillary.
The choice is ours. Do we want a Hammerer or a Yammerer for President? Our enemies want the latter and are terrified of the former.
The VP should be Condi Rice. It will bring excitement to the senator's campaign and she can take down anybody!
Why not Mitt or Fred or Rudy?
good grief..I wish we had a true Conservative..sigh
Bob, I think Mike will bring in more votes than Mitt and is a seasoned campaighner by now.
Fred is pereceived as too worn out.
McCain should announce that both Romney and Giuliani will be in his Cabinet now, IMO.
WHT, I do too. Fred was my candidate and John never was. However, I have come to believe he can and will be a fine enough president and will do what needs to be done in the most important issue around: The War with Radical Islam/Terror.
The Huckster is a somewhat muddleheaded man of the Religious Left. That is not how he ran, but that is how he governed. Picking him would only reinforce Maverick's worst instincts on things like immigration enforcement, or rather lack of same.
Look, tregonsee, I agree with you. And don't forget, Reagan was far from perfect when it came to amnesty and abortion and judges to the Supreme Court.
Mike has never been my candidate. Fred was. However, it is my honest belief that John and Mike will make a winning electable ticket. And this is what I'm backing at this point.
Karl Rove is right, Huckabee would be double trouble for McCain.
Huckabee should get into TV or radio because that's what he seems to like to do the most, entertain.
Nothing wrong with that, it just means he isn't a serious enough man to lead the USA.
Mitt Romney was McCain's strongest competitor in this race, he should be on the ticket as VP.
Our country would be better served with Romney in McCain's Cabinet as Secretary of Treasury. Larry Kudlow should take Ben Bernanke's place as head of the Federal Reserve and get the dollar and our currency straightened out---a great failing of the current Administration, in my opinion.
6 moths ago, who would have imagined how thrilled I was that Hillary won Tx and Ohio last night and John McCain is the GOP nominee!!!
McCain is a whole lot better then the alternative!
This year looks good. Hillary and Obama have raised well over $70 million in Feb to John McCain's $12 million. In the Senate Campaign, the GOP is being out fundraised by the Dems almost 3 to 1 and GOP congressmen are retiring in droves. The economy is going down, gas prices are expected to hit $4 and everyone is hollering for change. So the GOP nominates the oldest guy ever to run for president who is embraced by Bush, the most unpopular president in our lifetime. Not to mention that the Dem primary turnout is unprecedented, triple that of the GOP.
Looks good.
The new WaPost/ABC poll has both Hillary and Obama over McCain.
Hillary by 6, Obama by 12
It's far, far from a done deal at this point....
Actually, vienna, I am not even going to publish anymore of these comments that accuse me of stuff that simply is not true.
You didn't have a blog entry about Obama's gay lover? I swear I read that not too long ago...
I don't think I said you *personally* would repeat all that nonsense - I think what I said was there will be all kinds of salcious rumors about both dem candidates repeated over an over again until they are accepted as fact, i.e. "Obama hates America" because he won't wear a flag pin.
But it's your blog and you can censor as you see fit.
I did indeed publish a post on an alleged incident involving Obama in a limo in which he may have smoked crack cocaine and then gone on to have a tryst with the man who was making the allegations and offering to submit to a polygraph test.
From that I did NOT infer that he is gay or even a regular coke user. I haven't the vaguest idea.
FYI, I am happy for you to address the subjects at hand on each and every one of my blog posts. But to bring in totally unrelated 'kitchen sink' type stuff is something I simply won't make time or space for here.
Ok, mea culpa. I think I completely misunderstood that post about Obama's gay trysts and drug use. I thought you were trying to say something untoward about him, or at the very least, trying to sully his image by bringing up unsubstantiated rumors from a drug dealing schizophrenic who lives in a HUD subsidized apartment in a building for mental patients.
My only point in the comment you deleted was that Ellen shouldn't be so confident about the dems chances - there are going to be very ugly rumors flying around the web about the dem candidates, and probably about McBush as well. Just look what was said about him in 2000 (he's the "manchurian candidate", his adopted daughter is the product of his romantic interlude with a black prostitute) - by his fellow Republicans!
(In all fairness, there are horrible rumors floating around on lefty sites as well.)
There are always ugly rumors floating around from all sides in all elections. It is up to the individual voter to decide who they want based on their First Amendment freedoms coupled with each's level of maturity.
Many will vote based on sheer emotion and the chimera of big promises and a soothing voice. Others will dig deeper and find issues they deem more important to focus on.
I agree, never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter ... especially in the states of low educational attainment.
Why not JC Watts? He is very inspirational, and was the 4th man in the house.
I think Huckabee would be a poor choice.
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