HE WHO.....knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool. Shun him.
Obama and his campiagn have clearly jumped the shark. All it took was being in the Wright place at the wrong time for his many fans. But it was the Wright place at the Wright time for McCain supporters. Obama is dead meat now and there's no going back to the honeymoon of the early days of this campaign. Even the Oprah effect can't bring it back. Even if he somehow manages to win what's left of his party's nomination, he will never win the general and be president. And I doubt that he ever will in the future.
Here's my political take on this:
I would agree that this would present a problem for Obama...if he were a Republican. The fact is, he's a Democrat, and the MSM, aside from ABC, is largely ignoring the story or running interference for him. Reuters and the AP had zilch on this story during the peak of the attention being drawn to it. I guess we'll see how this affects him come the Pennsylvania Democratic primaries, short term. Long term, I say it'll be largely forgotten by November, thanks to the MSM. The election is still eons away.
A second factor in this is how willing McCain is to after Obama on items like this, or on anything else for that matter. McCain is allowing everyone to tell him what he can and cannot talk about.
A third factor is, it won't matter to Obamaniacs, or to the luke-warm-on-politics crowd, or to the play-the-victim-card crowd.
An aside--LGF has a few posts about this. If you get the Atom or RSS feeds in your browser you can see the one titled, "AP covering for Obama's Pastor" and another called "Rolling Stone Trying to Cover Up...". There is another post Charles posted sometime last week about Reuters and the AP completely ignoring it, but I don't have the time to look it up right now.
Here's my take on the actual substance of issue itself:
As far as what Wright said and how Obama is attempting to explain this away--I agree with you completely. Wright is a nutcase and Obama believes every word of it. He knew Wright held these beliefs, whether he actually heard the comments firsthand or not. To assume otherwise, or to take his word, is absurd.
Check this out at Hot Air. Wow.
It appears Jeremiah was a bullfrog.
due to the reasons that tom listed above, I doubt if he is "dead meat"
what i hope will really stick to him are the denials that he knew about the racist and anti american rants.
when he says "i didnt know about those words" it sounds alot like "i didnt inhale".
i am well aware of my minister's political views, arent most people?
Should Obama win the nomination, he will still be the favorite in the general. He still has the young and the black who care less about the preacher. The republicans will probably play the race card and then the democrats will play the playboy card about McCain's wild days of his youth, divorce his ill wife, etc. A fun November in store.
hg....hush. you just like to see me suffer....it's not funny....you'll change your tune when I move to New Zealand in November....and take all the fishing equipment with me....you'll be stuck here with Obamination and I'll be down near John Howard and friends.
Web, Your last comment shows clear thinking. Please bring us back some sheep
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