"With Barack Obama's wife, Michelle, in the spotlight, there is also growing buzz about the striking similarities between her and former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy. First there's the hair. Worn flipped or curled under, Mrs. Obama's style is reminiscent of the volumized "Swan" look that Mrs. Kennedy -- who would later be known as Mrs. Kennedy Onassis -- tucked beneath her pillbox hats. Then there are the accessories: single-strand pearls the size of grapes, as well as the three-strand version."
About the kindest thing I can say about this comparison, is that Jackie was a quieter woman who stayed out of her husband's business. Michelle seems to be much more vocal and out there, creating the illusion of victim hood, class envy and pessimism, so that her husband can save the day with his big government, socialist agenda for America.
I don't remember Jackie doing that in the 60s. She comported herself quietly, like a lady, even in some of the darkest hours of our nation's history. Somehow, I can't see Michelle being able to do that at all. Not with that attitude orthat chip on her shoulder, and not with that shame for her country she continues talking about.
Even with the pearls, the pill box, the flip do and the little sleeveless shifts....... .......Mrs. Obama, I lived and knew Jackie Kennedy way back when, and you're no Jackie Kennedy.
Home page.
Dear Webutante:
I am brand new to your blog. Your blog came across in my news-server for Jackie Kennedy-Onassis (I have her name under 3 different spellings & ea. day I get at least 3 different articles under ea. spelling of name. I really appreciated the way you contrasted Mrs. Kennedy (my prefered name for her) to Mrs. Obamma. NO, she is not a Jackie Kennedy. NO WAY! Like you, I grew up w/Jackie as First Lady (I was 16 when the President was killed). What an amazing role model. I have so much to thank her for. She introduced me to a world of culture and creativity I might have missed, without her leadership. She also gave women a sense of the elegance that goes along with good manners.
That being said, I pray to the lord Mrs. Obama is never challenged the way Jackie was. Few people seem to realize how brutal the asassination was on our First Lady. She was the real profile in courage within the Kennedy clan and in W.H. History. I will not go over the blood-soaked morbidity of her story.
Yes, Mrs. Obama does seem to be a complainer. I don't see much old fashioned patriotism here. I don't see much positive attitude; even though her husband does like to stress the importance of positive change. It seems to me; that unless a person is coming from a solid base of optismism, personal strength and a real respect for the tenacity of the American People -- there is much hope for positive change.
Thank you again, for the wonderful perception of Michelle Obama you bravely shared with your readers; and even people beyond your blog's regular base. It is definately NOT COOL to critique Mrs Obama, she who can do no wrong! I sure do miss Jackie and especially her brother-in-law, Robert F. Kennedy. I would have loved to have seen Bobby Jr. in where Obama is. Even w/out congressional experience, he comes from a place of innovation, a man w/a deep sense of spirituality and the courage to lead and change. Bobby does raise Cain, but he does not complain. I don't think he would allow his wife to do a "cry-baby" on the campaign trail.
Thank you for your comment. It certainly gives depth to this piece. And come back anytime.
Best wishes.
This is a wonderful post.
Bravo and Amen!! I can't stand the woman's (Mrs. Obama)negativity and her unthankful spirit.
Amen, sister!
I may be missing something since there is such a resounding sentiment regarding Mrs. Obama’s ‘pessimism’ and ‘negativity’. I have yet to see these traits in Mrs. Obama. Was Mrs. Kennedy was a ‘lady’ because she kept quiet? How do you and your readers feel about Eleanor Roosevelt and Hillary for that matter? Is a woman’s place behind her husband with her mouth shut? You and your readers may be facing a case of internalized sexism.
I may be missing something since there is such a resounding sentiment regarding Mrs. Obama’s ‘pessimism’ and ‘negativity’. I have yet to see these traits in Mrs. Obama. Was Mrs. Kennedy was a ‘lady’ because she kept quiet? How do you and your readers feel about Eleanor Roosevelt and Hillary for that matter? Is a woman’s place behind her husband with her mouth shut? You and your readers may be facing a case of internalized sexism.
I agree. I think Mrs. Obama is not negative. She often talks about her remarkable story.
I think the daughter may know the mother better. She has embraced the Obamas, including Mrs. Obama. Senator Obama is the first candidate who reminds her of her father. Enough said.
Well Mrs. "I've never met a Bible verse...I didn't like." I find it very ODD that a "holy-roller" such as yourself can't find anything DECENT to say about another one of God's children.-->Quiet un-Godly of you, wouldn't you say? Its fascinating that you actually found a way to fault a lady simply supporting her husband and what?...taking fashion tips from arguably one of the sharpest first ladies around. (Totally mind-boggling.) Your post is hateful, divisive, petty and most of all unecessary.-->I'm sure God is very proud of the example you're setting and the way you use your time to bash others. (Kudos) And to add insult to injury, you also say..."May this blog give Him glory"!? The hypocrisy is truly nauseating. And by the way, if you think a women's best trait is keeping her "mouth shut"...that's really, really unfortunate; and again, hypocritical, considering you have a BLOG and are sharing your thoughts with the world. How would you like it if someone told you to keep your "mouth shut" and that you should be allowed to blog? Seriously, get a new hobby.
Hello Webuanate,
I was linked to your site while looking for Jackie O photographs. As a young woman who studies fashion, I am very excited about Michelle O. Her style is similar to Jackies in that is is fresh, for a wife of a politician, and elegant. Her grace, eloquence and elegance compliments her husband, and has served him well on the campaign trail (He did will the nomination).
It seems from your quotation that the author is comparing the two women sartorially, while your article is a comparison about their the times in which the women lived. It is an attack on modern womanhood. While it was acceptable for Jacqueline to be the silent pretty backdrop for her husband's image, Michelle and her contemporaries (Hillary,...) would rightly step up and share their perspective and intelligence with the world.
While I respect your right to express yourself. I wholeheartedly disagree with your perspective.
a fellow blogger
In no way is Michelle Obama a "Jackie". Having poise and grace are not the only elements of being Jackie. It seems that any modern, put-together woman is compared to Jackie Kennedy, but to be honest, I think that the Jackies of the world are few and far between. It takes a triple threat of beauty, culture, and refinement to even be considered Jackie. ANYONE can flip their hair under a pill-box hat, but very few people can be so admired that they change the course of fashion history, and American history. If Jackie had lived in France, Hermes would have named a bag after her instead of Grace Kelly and Jane Birkin.
A 21-year-old admirer
The real question is "who cares if she has similarities to Jackie Kennedy?"
Mrs. Kennedy was a beautiful and intelligent woman, as is Mrs. Michelle Obama. I believe that those of you who judge with such an iron fist, should realize that they are two separate generations and are two separate people.
Mrs. Obama is only a product of the evolution of the female role. Who's to say that Mrs. Kennedy (may she rest in peace) would not have had similar actions had her husband be in office in this day in time.
My quote for you?
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you because Negativity only begets negativity.
-Sarah Vaughn (child prodigy)
Michelle O has a long way to go before she comes into a league near to Jackie O.
Jackie was beautiful. Well cultured. Intelligent. Graceful. Dignified. Classy.
Everything America needed in a First Lady. Michelle Obama is so obviously trying too hard and she really needs to stop. It's making her look like a big fool. She reminds me of Ethel Kennedy. A big gob who people only listened to because she was married to a Senator.
I like both women - both Michelle Obama and Jackie Kennedy. I think the people on this site who are criticizing Michelle Obama have a hard time with a black woman being so beautiful and classy. If Michelle Obama were white, the paise would never stop.
I am a 38-year old Puerto Rican/Dominican, Baptist, Civil Engineering student at New Jersey Institute of Technology, God-Fearing, Pro-Life, Flag-Displaying, Pledge of Allegiance Hand Over my chest, Support our troops, Admire my President, Limbaugh/Hannity/Levine/Crowley Listener, Operation Chaos [orders awaiting], Fox News Watching, Conservative, who voted for Romney and even though I wasn’t born in this land [arrived at age 7 from Commonwealth of P.R. -belonging to U.S.A.] but by law/heart/spirit is mine. I will die for my country and AM PROUD to be AMERICAN for no country is greater and UNLIKE Michelle am patriotic. She is no Jackie O. I have seen documentaries lasting 3 hours and she doesn’t hold a candle to her.
As a young, teenaged Australian girl with little knowledge on either Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis or Mrs Michelle Obama but with a strongly interest in forgein cultures, i have found this blog, and it's comments, highly informative. The views and opinions expressed are valuable in that they each have supporting evidence and reasons.
I, myself, disagree with the conservative view that women should merely be a pretty face who supports their husband. This stereotype was broken by Hillary Clinton and Helen Clark (Prime Minister of New Zealand) as well as many other strong and influential women. I do not deny that earlier in the 20th century, the role of women was to be seen and not heard, however, time's have changed and in the early 21st century women have a more important, if not prominent, role in our society than before.
However, there is one thing I don't understand, if you so obviously believe that "Jackie O" was such an inspiring and influential woman, then what, may I ask, is the problem with Michelle Obama's alleged attempts at trying to follow her lead? Surely this idealistic vision of your ex-President's wife that you portray would not be a concern, if it were to be copied.
I do not think that Mrs. Kennedy's style should be copied in this day and age, as the quiet but beautiful back-drop of a wife is no longer the type of person that the public look for as a leader (well not in Australia, that is, I'm not sure what the general view is in America, but I assume it is similar). But, from the small amount of information I have, Michelle Obama appears in no danger of falling completely in the footsteps of Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis.
Dear Webutante,
I wonder what your opinion is of Sarah Palin compared to that of Michelle Obama.
I hope that you're not inconsistent in your fair and balanced assessment.
What has Jackie O done besides look beautiful??
We should NOT compare Michelle Obama to Jackie Kennedy because, albeit they have similarities when it comes to their style and fashion, Mrs. Obama is still very very different from Mrs. Kennedy. Michelle Obama lives in 2008 where women are accepted for their assertiveness and strength and extolled for their candor and wit. Jackie Kennedy lived in the 1960s where women were still inhibited and inherently coy and were even lambasted for their out-spokenness and persistence. Michelle Obama is NOT trying hard, she's just being herself. Mrs. Obama is a lawyer while Mrs. Kennedy was an editor/journalist. Anybody with a common sense would know the difference. Need I say more?
I think everybody should get used to a Black First Lady. The world is round - sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down. The Blacks had been slaves before but times have changed. If you still cannot stand Michelle Obama then I suggest just keeping quiet until her husband's term (Should Barack wins) is over instead of maligning her and judging her without any basis.
Besides, I don't think anyone can ever criticize her educational background - She was a Princeton Cum Laude and a Harvard Law Graduate for God's sake!!! What a feat!
Firstly lets begin with the fact that a quite woman does not make a good one. Yes Mrs. Kennedy was a great woman, yes she was stylish, yes she was quite but times are different. Michelle Obama is a great woman, and her being able to voice her opinion and being honest makes her a strong and great woman. If you fail to realize the strength in this woman, it is probably because (no offense) you come from a time where the role of the woman was to stand behind her husband, times have changed the role of a woman is to stand BESIDE her husband, with a strong backbone.
Michelle Obama is a very well educated woman who has made a key difference in this race. Who said that women should be quiet. If you believe that women in these days should shut up and mind their own business, then you are living in the wrong century. Mrs. Obama spoke for her husband, and for his cause. She did not waste her voice gossiping or on cheap talk. She got out there and represented PRESIDENT Obama. Maybe it is her Princeton degree, or her years of dedication to her community that gives her the right to speak up. What I fail to understand is that the people criticizing this woman are other women. Women need to get out there and show the world what they are capable of. It is shameful that women are putting down someone who took that step. All those women that stand behind their husbands and keep their mouth shut are only giving way to women's oppression. Women have worked so hard to overcome that and make their own name in this world, and it is women like you who push it right back down. Michelle Obama should be a role model for young girls out there. She's not the "woman behind her man's success", she's the woman standing next to her husband, holding his hand, and making a difference. Yes, she is outspoken, but that is one of the great things about her. She's the woman who not only happened to be married to a successful man, but she is also the woman who made that success possible. Michelle Obama went out to so many rallies to support her husband, and she did so, NOT by standing behind him. She did that by grabbing the mic and speaking her mind. It is shameful that women in this day and age would be offended by this kind of behaviour. You hide behind a pseudonym and criticize Mrs. Obama. I can guarantee that if you were handed a mic, you couldn't, for the sake of your life, speak you mind. I suppose that is why you criticize her. She has showed women out there EVERYWHERE, that even the females of the family have an opinion. They should not be criticized for that. She is only human. President Obama and his wife are trying to bring a sense of "together-ness" to the white house. They're trying to show the nation that they're not superhuman beings. They're men and women who have the courage and knowledge to help you, the people who are criticizing the. Mrs. Obama was not afraid to show her emotions out to the people who are putting their faith into her husband. She's not a plastic doll who should have to hold back tears or feelings from the public. This should only let you know that this is a family that will be honest to you. They will let you in on EVERYTHING. You will be a part of the nation's core. Jackie Kennedy was also an admirable woman, but these two outstanding women should not be compared to each other. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Neither of them deserve to be criticized or scrutinized on the basis that they look alike. It is an insult to both Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Obama. They both stand for their own self. So please, accept the idea that women CAN have a voice in this day and age, and move on.
God Bless
I stumbled across this blog while looking for pictures of Barack & Michelle Obama. I must say, I found this blog very entertaining and quite amusing. I think Webutante's assessment of Mrs. Obama is inaccurate and I think I sense some jealously may fuel this tirade.
I do not think that Mrs. Obama is trying to emmulate Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis's fashion. I think she is simply a fashionable, classy lady who dresses well. However, what if Mrs. Obama admires the way Mrs. Kennedy dressed and is influenced by it? Who cares? Thousands of other woman did the same.
I think Mrs. Obama is a true example of a highly educated woman who DOES know how to support her husband. She holds her own well in interviews yet does not overshadow her husband or tries to perform his job. She is a Harvard Law graduate who stepped down from a six figure salary to become a stay-at-home mother when her husband's career became time intensive. I do not see her views of the world as pessimistic, just realistic. Unless, you have been living under a rock these last few years, our country is presently in very difficult times and there is no way to sugarcoat that.
Webutante, I am so thankful that people with your views are such a minority. I feel that you represent an aging culture of Americans with narrow minded views. Quite frankly, I agree with the prior comment that it simply unsettles you to see a classy, educated African-American woman in a prominent position. By your reference to her as "honey child" I sense this is a race issue.
Fortunately, millions of Americans stood up yesterday, overlooked skin color, and invited Mrs. Obama to be our First Lady. Given her character, I think she will support our President and with a great fashion sense along the way ;)
Slight problem here.
Jackie Kennedy was physically attractive. Michelle Obama looks like something we scare kids with at Halloween.
The people calling this a 'photogenic' First Family are way off the mark.
Interesting to know.
Michelle Obama is beautiful and gracious and the kindest thing I can say about the comparison is that it's off because Michelle Obama's husband is faithful to her. Jackie could never quite say that. Michelle Obama has never compared her self to Jackie Kennedy but has only said that she was flattered by the comparison .I bet no one has or ever will compare you to Jackie Kennedy and I kow has to hurt that this BLACK woman has received something that yoyou never will. MICHELLE IS THE FIRST LADY.. DEAL WITH IT.
While I respect your opinion as just that, your opinion, I must disagree with you. First and foremost, I think it is quite unfortunate and unfair for people to even compare these two women. They are from two different generations and more importantly two different worlds. The 1960's are certainly not the 2000's. Women today do it all, from parenting to running their own companies. Why would you even try to compare the two, because they flip their hair a certain way and where a string of pearls. Please, fashion repeats itself about every 20 years so we were bound to see a first lady wear clothes reminiscent to decades before. I hate to bring it up, but I have to wonder if you or others that agree with you somehow feel this strongly about it due to Michelle's race. Yes, I said it only because stuff like this tends not to be an issue until someone of another race, particularly African-Americans are the ones in the forefront. I think we should critique (not judge) both Jackie and Michelle objectively and lets look at what they bring to the table for the good of the country and administration, not what they are wearing or how they look. Can we please get past this crap in America. And please no that in another 40 years there will be yet another first lady who may be Indian, Native-American, Asian, or Hispanic who yes, will where their hair with a flip and a set of pearls....will they be compared to Michelle Obama? Let's blog about something with more substance.
May I be the first to state that Michelle Obama NEVER compared herself to Jackie Kennedy. All comparisons come from the media who seem to believe that just because Michelle dresses with a unique flair all her own, she can now be doted as the new Jackie Kennedy. The media loves to make comparisons and hold individuals up on a pedestal then drop with a flip of a coin.
Like others have stated, I think is it unfair to compare the two. Jackie was a very beautiful woman with poise, grace and integrity. But without a doubt I can also state that Michelle is also a very beautiful, poised and graceful woman also filled with integrity. They are from two different generations and what is acceptable now for a woman was not then. One must also take into consideration their level of education. First Lady elect Obama, is an Ivy league educated lawyer. She is outspoken and has back bone like ALL individuals should be. She is also a mother who has expressed no real interest in running the nation as other prominent female public figures like, Hilary Clinton. Instead to making untrue accusations, please make sure that it is validity and not just hateful remark of ignorant falsities.
In regards to the comment made about her creating despair because of race, class envy… I think that was a very cynical one to make. Michelle first of all, was NOT raised in the hood. And when she is asked about her childhood is recants of a simple fair living life in a middle class home. So once again please check your facts before writing.
Our world is moving to changing times, where those old outdated notions of what a woman should be are thrown out. All people are free to say whatever it is they want to say (as you have) and so can the first lady. We should not be intimidated of a strong willed, well educated woman who has a mind of her own and holds her own thoughts.
As many of the first lady who preceded her, she is an amazing individual who carries herself with a great deal of respect and class. One thing your right about: she is not Jackie Kennedy, she is Michelle Obama! The new first lady. Deal with it!
I am a white male from Western Pennsylvania and even I think this blog is either sexist or rascist, which I can't be fore sure.
Michelle Obama is more than Jackie O. She is a woman with a mind and destiny of her own. She is a Harvard Law Graduate and someone who doesn't sit hands crossed like your patriarchal website wishes for her. Welcome to a new century, woman exist and can speak their mind. GET OVER IT!!!
Wait why are you people even arguing about this, we as a society, as a humanity have much bigger problems then dicussing this brainless topic. Get your head out of your ass and do something good for your country, you probably have an issue of self image because to attack someone about how they look is absurd and childish. As a country were finally overcoming some of the racial issues we have, just grow up and have a heart and a brain for that matter.
Alright so with the many so-called "Bashings" I really need to say something because this is getting out of hand. First of all I believe, and this is just my perception of it so take it with a grain of salt..some of you take stuff way too seriously, Web idea os saying that Mrs. Kennedy wasn't proactively out doing the job for her husband she left the affairs to her husband and remained a silent supporter, strong but silent very classy. that's nto to say she cannot speak at all, it's just simply stating that she had a different approach which was more elegant in her own time. Also I don't think anyone telling Web to shut up or saying "you shouldn't blog" is going to offend. It is our right based by our freedoms to speak freely and guess what everyone has the right to disagree as well, that's what makes this country so great. You don't get your mouth sewn shut for saying somethign that may offend another because it is a personal opinion. As long as you aren't trampling on other's rights in the process go for it. Remember if you get angry over a simple little post of someone's opinion, you've already allowed them to win by making you angry. Just relax remember not everyone htinks the same and I don't see anything in this post that borders on full racial slurs of hatred. Simply just stating their own perception and opinion.
You right, Jackie did stay to the side and let her husband do whatever he wanted-- including cheat on her-- and all the public knows it.
I have a feeling Michelle's active, loving role in her husband's life might keep his focus on her, gumdrop pearls and all.
I really appreciated your comparison. While it is true that these women live in different times, and have had different struggles, it was not her silence that made Jackie O graceful. She was not a mute. However, although Jackie had position, she did not seem as though she were chasing the spotlight, and she allowed her husband and his politics to get him elected. While one could imagine that being married to the president may have its challenges, it is in how one responds to these challenges that truly shows grace. The only qualifier to be the first lady is to be married to the man America 50.1% of the electoral college elects to be president. If Michelle Obama is so very smart and talented, like many of the comment posters believe, she would obtain a post on her own, and speak about things that relate to it. I respect Michelle Obama's views on politics as much as I respect that of George Clooney, or a llama.
its a sad day when once again, people are judged not by the content of their character but by their looks and appearance.
This poster sums up my feelings exactly:
"Bravo and Amen!! I can't stand the woman's (Mrs. Obama)negativity and her unthankful spirit."
I am quite uncertain about what message you are trying to leave with this post. Are you trying to say that a women's place is to just keep quiet behind a man? That is what Jackie Kennedy did, if you are applauding that, then ok. There is no comparison between Michelle Obama and Ms. Kennedy because they are very different. Clothes are an outward, physical appearance and have nothing to do with the intellect that an individual has. Ms. Obama would be doing great things with or without Barack, she did(does) not need him to be noticed for her extraordinary talents. Ms. Kennedy had to marry into a successful family to receive recognition. That is not enough. This article really dates you. You are obviously someone from the older genereation who does not understand that women are not looked at as less than men anymore. They are considered equal opposites. Ms. Kennedy was a great women in her time and did have a lot to deal with, especially after her husband's death. However, Ms. Obama has to deal with ignorance such as this. She is already being judged and no one has even gave her a chance. Ms. Kennedy had her time and we saw what she did. It is now Ms. Obama's time and at the end of hers, we will see what she has accomplished. Until then, we should not compare the two. They have no similarities outside of the clothing style they share.
While I'm very grateful for the liberties I'm allowed as a young woman of this country, I am so disappointed when I hear cattiness like this. I was raised to be thankful for the opportunities I'm provided and thankful that women can voice our opinions, but when that voice (which was won through the pain and death of our grandmothers) is used to say such ugly things about our sisters it hurts. I am not Republican; I am not Democrat. I am a woman, a civil servant and a citizen of the world who tries her best to leave the world around her a little better for it. Women my age will look to women your age for guidence and advice, and if this is the kind of voice you will offer I am sad for our future. I'm certainly not saying that you shouldn't be allowed to voice your opinion, but I would ask that you respect the power you have and not abuse it by using it to produce spite and negativity. If you don't like her policies, why not focus on an intelligent discussion of that rather than spitting venom at something as inconsequential as her wardrobe? Please try to leave life around you better for your having been there rather than leaving it less beautiful.
AFter reading the comments on this blog, I had planned to post a link to Michele Obama's term as a "lawyer" which was 1989-1993 to drive a point home that she only practiced law for 4 years. But she earned the degree and for whatever reason chose to stop practicing - perhaps to raise her daughters. But then i read your comment and it shook me to the core. For someone so young(based on your picture) you are very wise. Thank you for addressing the cattiness of these comments. I believe our media has contributed largely to the division that is evident here - convervatives vs liberals. I am a registered Republican and consider myself conservative in my beliefs, but that isn't what defines me as a citizen or as a woman. A wise man was quoted as saying: "he who is without sin, cast the first stone" - words to live by. Thanks for reminding me that none of us are without fault. We need more women of your caliber.
a 54 year old woman who is never too old to learn...
Michelle Obama is not even close to having the class as Jackie Kennedy. Jackie Kennedy has more class in her little pinky than Michelle has in her whole body..
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