Click on the link to go to Jihad Watch, then click to start the Fitna video and read the "explanation" that follows on why they are retracting it.
As of now, Robert Spencer has another link to Fitna down on his left side bar which makes Fitna still viewable. It probably won't be for long. I watched it and of course it's chilling as expected.
Ran into a local health club (where I am not a memeber) yesterday to inquire about something and in the lobby were three fully covered Muslim women filling out applications. I had a sinking spell that soon they would join, then try to turn part of this perfectly good sports facility into a part-time prayer place to accommodate their Islamic beliefs or change the rules for same-sex days.
I only have one question. Why don't they open their own gym facilities at their Mosques and leave everyone else alone? And why don't we insist on it? That way they can have their mullahs overseeing their fitness programs. And leave everyone else alone.

It's crazy!
Sounds familiar.
Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. - Deuteronomy 17:12
They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. -- 2 Chronicles 15:12-13
Yes, Ellen. Indeed these are written in the Old Testament. And it is helpful to put both these passages in context.
In the first, Moses is giving God's specific instructions on how to mediate difficult disputes that need a judge. The holy priesthood of Levites were to be the "Supreme Court" or the court of last resort in such seemingly difficult matters. And the Levite priests and judges were to consult The Law and prayerfully give verdicts and judgments. They were the final authority and those who received such verdicts and failed to obey, were considered arrogant and were to be put to death. That IS the way God set it up. We may not like it, but that is the way it was and is.
Second, God gave specific instructions to the Israelites on how they were to inhabit their covenant lands. Here the Jews have fallen into slackness and now God seeks to bring them back in line under His newly picked ruler Asa. Asa does as he is instructed by God and the land is filled with peace and plenty as a result.
Bob Deffingbaugh writes a commentary on this passage from Deuteronomy as to one of the reasons the Caananites were to be destroyed in the passage you cited above. Among many other detestable practices, they practiced child sacrifice. This was an abomination to God. He continues:
"These abominations were practiced by the Canaanites (verse 9), whom the Israelites were to completely destroy when they entered the land (Deuteronomy 7:1-6). It was because of these abominations that God judged the Canaanites and expelled them from His land. It was because of these pagan practices that God gave the land to the Israelites, enabling them to defeat the Canaanites, and to possess their land. If the Israelites imitated these practices, God would also cast them from the land (Deuteronomy 4:25-26).
"These were the abominable pagan practices which the Israelites would be tempted to learn, once they entered the land (verse 9). The Levites were to teach the Israelites the law, as were the Israelite parents to teach their children about God, but there were going to be others from whom God’s chosen people might learn to do evil. We may be reluctant to teach our children about “the facts of life,” about sexuality and morality and all that goes with it, but rest assured that whether or not we “teach” our children about these matters, there are many other willing “teachers.” The important thing is that our children not “learn” from the wrong sources. So it is also in the matter of divine revelation. There will be those who will attempt to teach the Israelites the Canaanite ways of seeking contact with the supernatural. God’s people must not learn these Canaanite ways, because God hates them.
"These forbidden practices constituted participation in the occult. These practices were not a valid means of seeking God’s will or His help, but an illicit attempt to enlist the help of unclean19 “supernatural” powers. This was not the way to the divine God of Israel, but the means of making contact with the demons. The occult rejects God and seeks to make contact with the supernatural powers through an encounter with the dark side—through those practices which seek to contact and make use of the demonic forces of evil."
Ummm I work for the usg and live in a Muslim country
Me and other Christian, American women go to our gym here to workout every week with other, non-hijab wearing, Muslim women.
Muslim women traditionally pray at the house not the mosque anyways.
I welcome these opportunities as a God-given chance to be with this nonbelievers and share what I believe in our conversations and who knows, we may be the only way they ever hear about Christ
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