Thursday, January 6, 2011

Two Pauls On A Hill

ONE IN THE HOUSE, ONE NOW, THE SENATE. Both telling the harsh truth that the United States is broke, can't pay its bills without printing money and moving towards an even more painful, prolonged debt crisis which is now probably unavoidable. It's not a matter of if, so much as as WHEN.

I can remember not so long ago when most respectable Republicans turned up their noses at Rand Paul and his cadre of supporters whom they considered over-zealous rift-raft. They avoided him and them like the plague. What a difference a few years make with much of the country now taking up their cry of returning to fiscal sanity. As the United States debt becomes more extreme, the Pauls seem ever less so.

The fact that newly elected to the Senate, Rand, will be conducting hearings on the out-of-control with no accountability Fed---and Bernanke's various Quantitative Easings---should be a source of some great political theater this year if nothing else.

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