Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's Snowtime Again In the East

THE SEEMING NEVER-ENDING WINTER BLAST on the East Coast has come and gone again and with it lots of travel slow-downs and snow shoveling. I'm frankly glad not to be there for this one, though many of my loved ones are.

Back in middle America, there was a dusting of snow Tuesday night bringing patches of ice and lots of chilly temperatures, though nothing like in the east. Still it's a great time to hole up and recharge batteries even if it's only for a few days or weeks. It's back to the barest of basics. Last night I fell asleep reading and must have clocked almost 11 hours of shut eye. That's close to a scandalous world record for me.

Today the sun is shining brightly--- glorious to behold. Though I have to go out this afternoon, I am resisting getting my life up and running at full tilt just yet. I like the ennui time of year and think it's part of the deep, quiet ebb and flow of all things in nature. While it won't last much longer, it resets my life and priorities back to sanity. Cleaning out drawers and closets, throwing stuff away, giving clothes to those who need them, are some of the best uses of my time for the next few days.

Along with that, I rejoined my favorite little store-front gym at Snap Fitness nearby and started reading a book on options trading in some of my waking hours. I won't say what book I was reading last night when I fell asleep so early.... but let it be known, I am bound and determined to learn how to trade options in 2011. It's one of my 2011 resolutions. It may take a while though.

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