Monday, January 4, 2010

How, Oh How to Begin 20-10?

I'M MAKING SOME PROMISES HERE at Webutante which I'll attempt to fulfill one day at a time. It's what I'm willing to focus on and what I'm not during my reading and writing time online. It has to do with what I'm bored and not bored with in the arena of current events and national politics. To wit, here's my I'm bored to tears list and what I'm willing to do about it:

1. I will no longer read and write about President Obama's failed presidency. Anyone with a lick of sense saw it all coming over two years ago when Obama Mania began after his so called mesmerizing speech at the DNC. It's beating a dead horse. Most people with an IQ over 70 knew Barack was and IS inexperienced, idealistic, radically left-wing, infatuated with himself and embodies a big government fetish as the solution too all that ails us. He's a good combination of Jimmy Carter and Neville Chamberlain. What many of us dreaded is coming to pass in spades, and we spend hours denouncing our shock and awe ad naseum. Give it up, it's a monumental bore. From now on, I'm going to assume everyone knows this presidency is the limp tail that wags the dogs of socialism. We need to get creative in announcing solutions rather than denoucing our Obama problems.

What can I and we do about it? Well one thing, we can begin to think and write and read about any and all solutions, candidates and fund raising efforts that offer even a small antidote to the run-away madness in Washington, D.C.

In 2010, I will give money across state lines like never before and hope you will too. I will focus here on candidates and ideas that offer even a whiff of real hope and repair to our decaying elected officials without idealizing them and again setting ourselves up for future disappointment.

2. I am totally bored with the war on blogger Charles Johnson who's evidently had a trans-political text- change operation. It's cheap, lazy and boring to keep having to read and write about such tripe and obsession from his detractors. If that's all we can do, then we need to get out and take a walk, blow our stopped-up noses, or floss our teeth. There's nothing more to say.

3. I refuse to idolize Sarah Palin as the second coming of Mother Mary, Queen Victoria or Ronald Reagan, thinking she's the easy answer to all our country's political, social and economic problems. She may run for president, she may not. She's reached dizzing heights of political celebrity status. Her aspirations are no doubt a work in progress. I'm not nearly as taken with her as I was a year or two ago. Still I'm not totally over her either----yet. I could see myself voting to elect her, and I could see myself not voting to elect her. Who knows? I don't and no one else does.

I'm much more interested in how we get the trifecta of moles---Reid, Pelosi, Waxman---just to name a few, out of office and replace them with non-professional, citizen politicians, than obsessing on Sarah Palin.

I will update this as I have time today. Meanwhile, if you see me slipping up on these things, let me know and I'll repent. Heavens knows I need supervision at times, some would say all the time.

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