Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Presidential Candidate Sex Shocka About to Break?

Evidently the LA Times and every media person in the know in D.C. is aware of a story that's about to break wide open on a scandalous liason involving one of the Presidential candidates.

The LA Times is being coy about rolling the presses on this one, but Ron Rosebaum has something about it here.

Why would the Times and the MSM tip toe around this story, unless it's one of their media darlings and a Democrat?

I have no informed guesses, but my mind automatically goes to Bill, as in Bill Clinton, who must be having to adjust his attitude over the prospects of being first consort to wife Hillary, should she win the 2008 election. Then maybe it's Rudy, Fred or Obama or Silky Pony.

But the person who has the most to lose, and the greatest distance to fall at this point would have to be Hillary. Anyone else is really smaller potatoes.

Only time and the Times will tell.

It's scandalous! Perfectly scandalous.

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