Saturday, March 19, 2011

See Helen Thomas Bare It All In ... Playboy?

STOP THE PRESSES! THERE MUST BE SOME MISTAKE. Surely the erstwhile, former doyen of the White House press coven can't be featured in the latest issue of Playboy. Lord help us all. Is that what happens when an aging, raging anti-semite--- putting it mildly--- tumbles from grace (small g)? Is her reward a interview 'centerfold' in the over-the-hill magazine?

Apparently so.

If you're thinking she's calmed down or softened her stance on Zionism---her euphemism for Jews are to blame for all the ills in the world--- then you got another think coming. Nope, she's back with a vengenance which could only be described as gone nuclear meltdown.

I won't bother to reproduce some of the more illustrious quotes from her tirade. If you're intersted, I'm sure you can dig them up. Till then, I consider Helen Thomas a sad dying relic of the archaic, elite MSM. Ms. Thomas is a dinosaur journalist amidst the Jurrasic Park media.

Perhaps she should apply for a job at NPR as a fund raiser to help fill in the gaps when us taxpayers stop picking up the tab. Or perhaps she will buy a summer home in Gaza. Come to think of it, she kinda looks like Yasser. Supposed they're kissing cousins?



mRed said...

That headline gave me nightmares...

Paul_In_Houston said...

I doubt that Stephen King could come up with something like her.