Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan Prepares For The Worst As Panic Sets In


@ ZERO HEDGE: All hell is currently breaking loose following an explosion at reactor #2 and another hydrogen explosion at reactor #4 per Kyodo, leading to a 16% drop in Nikkei futures as blind panic grips Japan. Kyodo essentially confirms there was a reactor meltdown as radiation levels at Fukushima 3 are now 400 times legal levels. Topping it all Japan's warning that all people within 30 kilometers from Fukushima should stay indoors and that the radioactive winds may reach Tokyo in as little as 8-10 hours.
HOW DO MILLIONS PREPARE FOR SUCH BACK-TO-BACK CATASTROPHE? May God have mercy on this land and its people. May we come to their aid and be in continuous prayer for them.

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