Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dances With......Eagles

WITH A ZILLION THINGS TO DO TODAY, naturally I choose to play hooky. You see, the sun, that great ball of light and heat that disappeared from view almost four months ago but is still rumored to be at the center of our solar system-- actually came out yesterday! So when a friend called and invited me to drive over to the Tennnessee River area today to look for bald eagles, how could I say no? In fact, Yes! I'll go and abandon my to-do list, writing and let everything else take care of itself! rushed out of my mouth instantly.

It was a good choice and even better day. Here are two pitiful pictures I took. But alas you can see the top of the head of the mamma eagle. You can also see blue skies, an almost endangered species. While my friend took more professional shots, tripod and all, I snapped these then found a good hill to hike. This is a female eagle nesting with her chicks in a tree overlooking the mighty Tennessee River near Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park. There's lots of Civil War history here too. All in all, a good time was has by all, and the sun shone brightly.

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