From Pajamas: "Air America's rock-bottom ratings (28th in San Francisco!) offer a valuable lesson: attempting to fill the left's void of ideas with F-words and ad hominem attacks will not fool the listeners for long."
A portion of Steve's conservative concerto:
"Critics of conservative talk radio often accuse the hosts of preaching from “talking points” because the analysis of political and policy matters is often similar. But the consistency of commentary that sometimes occurs is not traceable to some mysterious and widely dispersed “talking points.”
"Rather, it is a shared ideology — a belief in getting government out of the way, off our backs, and out of our pockets; a commitment to freedom, independence, and self-reliance as the best route to prosperity and property; an understanding that rights and responsibilities must go hand-in-hand; a recognition that a government founded on morality and pursuit of justice is preferable to one built on “anything goes” and special treatment; and a world view that America represents the best the world can offer, not the worst — that produces conservative analysis that can sometimes resemble an echo chamber.
"Liberal theology, as expressed by left-wing talk hosts, has no apparent ideological consistency. Groups that are linked only by their hatred of President Bush don’t really share a commonality of thought or policy goals. That is the real problem for liberals/Democrats. A coalition of those who support the unlimited and unrestricted abortion of unborn children, labor union activists, gay and lesbian groups that oppose traditional marriage, open-border proponents who see illegal immigrants as political and economic pawns to be played on the national chessboard, race-oriented activists, gender-oriented activists, conservative southern Democrats who remain linked to the party simply because “great-granddaddy” was a Democrat, the Code Pink crowd that wants America to retreat and cower in the face of terror, and all the other constituencies that make up the unholy alliance that has become the modern day Democratic Party is not a coalition of conscience. The only common link is a desire for political power."
....and detesting everything Bush, I might add.
Home run, Steve. With all the bases loaded. (May I use this as a talking point?....just a little joke.)
The Gill Report here. But Steve, you forgot to mention how Al Franken first wrecked Air America and has now gone on to the demotion of running himself for U.S. Senate from Minnesota....ugh.
Yes, and I hope Minnesotans will reject Franken.
Web, it is interesting that you and I were thinking about the same subject, and posting on it, without knowing the other person was also posting. I guess we are both reading the same talking points scripted for us. Or, maybe it is that shared ideology thing that Steve Gill writes about!
Absolutely the latter, Bob. And good point you made on your blog. These guys are very articulate
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