Monday, September 24, 2007

The Death of the Grown-Up On Hot Air

I haven't read Diana West's book yet, but definitely intend on doing so soon. However, I already know I agree with most everything she says.

To me, the greatest indication of our individual and societal regression and refusal to grow-up is the ever-increasing harkening for rights without responsibilities.

No society can endure long without realizing there are no real rights without concommitant responsibilities. It's a myth.

I also subscribe to the notion that individual rights and institutions should never be exercised solely for the benefit of a small group of individuals just because they demand it, without regard for the greater good of society. All too often today, small segments of society demand that institutions bend and change to fit their agendas, rather than understanding that it may not benefit society as a whole. I am specifically thinking of the institution of marriage here, the world's oldest institution.

More on Hot Air.

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