Friday, February 8, 2013

Dr. Benjamin Carson Speaks His Un-PC Peace On Education, Obamacare & Taxes @ National Prayer Breakfast


IT'S ON DRUDGE AND NEEDS TO BE SEEN AND HEARD AGAIN AND AGAIN. So wise, so articulate and so worthy of being taken to heart. Let's hope our hard-headed, free-spending president was listening.

Being Un-PC today takes incredible courage to stand up and say what you believe in (in a civilized way), because the PC Nazis have perfected the art of massive intimidation and righteous indignation/ offense,threats of rejection and retaliation, shunning and outright slander if you don't see things their way. If we don't start having courage to stand our ground----even if there's not a shred of truth to it---we will lose this country.  And our First Amendment rights will be diluted beyond recognition.

Standing up, often standing alone and letting the chips fall where they may is one of life's most difficult and scary challenges.  But we have to do it just like Dr. Carson did here.

 May God help us to do it early, often and frequently.

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