CAN'T YOU JUST SEE IT? AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME: A little company designed to grind out t-shirts, bumper stickers, key rings, jewelry, baseball hats, signs, music, coffee mugs and underwear starting with one simple phrase: What Difference Does It Make?!
Let's see. First t-shirts with Beyonce lip-syncing the national anthem. Then, Hillary testifying before Congress on Benghazi. Pro-Lifers can list the millions and millions of unborn babies aborted since Roe-v-Wade followed by the phrase. We can show the Constitution being shredded by executive fiat, followed by the phrase What Difference Does It Make? Then there's the shrinking dollar due to the Fed's out-of-control money printing and Congress' gargantuan spending spree.
Truly, the possibilities are limitless! I'm sure the presses and 3-D printers are already rolling out new products even as I write. It's a fun business idea and you never know from day-to-day what new material will materialize out of thin air. Take yesterday on Drudge....the president was shown with a pesky fly on his face. What about instead of fly man we instead do Lord of the Flies?
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