Then there's Morgan Freeman who is one of the wisest men I know. He gets it. He nails it, NAILS IT, as he calls the ever-dense Mike Wallace, (not to be confused with George Wallace) on his blatant racism. So fine. A homerun, Morgan. Via VIAMAN at American Digest.
Bless them both. Thanks, Web, for sharing both clips, it made my day. Shortly after the election, an acquaintance breathlessly commented on how far we've come against racism by electing Mr. Obama. My thought was that if we'd truly come so far, her thought leading to the comment would never have come up. Sometimes the enormity of what we don't know is the scariest thing to contemplate.
Exactly, Paula.
Please. If Sarah Palin had been elected VP, the chatter on all sides of the political aisle would have been "look how far women have come." Are you really suprised that people think we've come along way in race relations? Honestly?? Even Bobby the Magic Cajun mentioned the progress we've made in his reposnse to Obama's speech.
As far as the Nuge goes, he's defnitely no coward, as evidenced by this quote: "I'm not a coward" in response to agreeing that he didn't "want to get his ass blown off in Vietnam."
I found a great Nuge quote for your sidebar: Renegade right-winger Ted Nugent recently went on a vicious onstage rant in which he threatened the lives of Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Decked out in full-on camouflage hunting gear, Nugent wielded two machine guns while raging, “Obama, he’s a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary,” he continued. “You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch.” Nugent summed up his eloquent speech by screaming “freedom!"
That last sounds like propaganda from Kos or Huff. Please site your sources or I will take your comment down. Also, stay on topic here. The point of the story is that Morgan has a great point about talking about race.
You know, you can look for it too, but here are four links where you can either read the quote or watch the video:
another link:
a third link:
a fourth link:
As you can see, Freedom lovin' Ted "Not a Coward" Nugent did threaten Obama and Hillary and it wasn't "propoganda" from Kos and Huff. Sorry to disappoint.
I agree with Morgan Freeman, I think black history is part of american history and doesn't need to be separate. You do know that Mr. Freeman is part of the EVIL LIBERAL AGENDA with his support of Obama, right?
THanks, and you didn't disappoint. I still like Ted---a man's gotta say what a man's gotta say---and I like Morgan Freeman because both speak their minds and don't mince words. We won't even talk about the threats Sarah Palin got from the left. And we're not going there now.
I would love for you to point me in the direction of a hollyweird America hating libtard who threatened to kill Sarah Palin or John McCain by having them suck on a machine gun. A discussion for a different day perhaps.
I think the Nuge is the perfect spokesman for the Republican party: he loves to fondle huge guns (I'm sure there's no compensation for a lack of a certain something there), freely admits wanting to kill his fellow citizens, did everything possible to get out of serving in the military, questions the patriotism of anyone who disagrees with him...maybe if you're lucky he'll run for President someday!
One other thing, v. I can like something someone says or does without laboriously knowing every single thing they've ever said or done and every postition they've ever taken paast. But you leftish just go into deranged mode and stay there when someone says something you don't care for.
V, I suggest if you really take Nugent's so called threat to the president that seriously, that you stop commenting here and call the FBI immediately. I wouldn't waste another minute.
well, it happened last summer...I think the secret service has already met with Teddy. They apparently didn't consider it a "so called threat"!
Oh, Lady Jane, what a great and true quote! Booker T. Washington is one of my greatest American heros. Thank you so much for sharing quote here.
One other point: of course this applies to people who continuously play the race card, but also to those who play the family card, or the any victim card long after the time is past to put it away....And the predators that seek to profit from encouraging this are legion. That, of course, is how John Edwards made his fortune. Predators need perpetual victims. Eric seems more than willing to keep race victims in their place. But Morgan doesn't want any part of it.
Each of your points is spot on and the following quote by you sums it up rather well:
**predators need perpetual victims**
...and predators help create perpetual victims, just as victims attract those who will keep them in their perpetual state, often unconsciously of course. That dance is in every aspect of life---relationships, therapists, financial counsellors, lawyers, politicians---on and on. This whole racism thing is such an example. And the government is about to perpetuate victimhood in all sorts of its citizens it purports to help. God help us all.
Morgan Freeman: Point, Set, and Match. A magnificently clear and cogent commentary on race that even Mike Wallace could not respond to. Bear in mind, it was mostly white politicians that thought Black History Month would be a good idea.
....never seen Mike Wallace so flummoxed as with Morgan, bustoff....
Thanks for posting this!
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