UPDATE: WOW! After a drop at the open, what a comeback! Great day with the DOW up 553 points. It's still a wicked, treacherous market with no clear leadership, but what a breath of fresh air and a great bounce!
Stock prices have been going down again to retest their previous lows. Better known as making a second bottom, it remains to be seen if markets will hold there at their lowest support lines or sink further. This market is the most volatile, treacherous, difficult and lethal I've ever seen. We can only hope that in the next few days we'll hold at our previous lows and have a nice bounce. But a bounce might also lead to another drop and retesting a
third bottom. I don't expect this mess to be over anytime soon and could wind on for several years. Many excesses on the individual, corporate and governmental levels that need to be worked through whether we like it or not.
I'll be back later with more posts on some new subjects near and dear to my heart. And also to write about meeting and visiting with a fellow
conservative blogger (whom I link to on my sidebar) yesterday at a Republican ladies luncheon here in Nashville where he was the keynote speaker. He has just returned from six months in Iraq. Very interesting and good fun. And if that's not enough, this blogger watched me skid across a slick ballroom floor on some sugar crystals, make a colossal fall on my derrier (my adorable new British daughter-in-law calls it a
perky bum) and came and picked me up off the floor, even though I just wanted to lie there indefinitely and then crawl out of the room on all fours with a paper sack on my head. What a kind and gentlemanly thing this man did.
You wouldn't perchance have a photo of that 'fall' would ?????
That's not funny!!xx.
Oh Web! What a memory you made! Mental picture here!
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