Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Spectacle That's Washington, D.C.


IT'S NOT OFTEN I'M AT A LOSS for words. But for the past day I've been almost speechless, with little desire to write and frankly less to read, while I watch the healthcare drama of Obama unfold in D.C. I'm on the verge of not wanting to hear or watch anymore. I ponder where this Congressional session will end. It can't be good. Is there anything any of us can do at this point? Yes, yes, I know about mid-term elections and the inevitable court challenges to the constitutionality of this monstrous bill. Still, I feel utterly helpless, as others I talk to do also. These Democratic legislators are absolutely hellbent on passing a piece of insane legislation almost nobody wants. It's do or die for them. Obama seems desperate to display some sort of faux leadership. It feels like we the American people are now here to serve government's agenda.

It's mind boggling to me. And dreadful.

My eyes glaze over and I feel rather numb. At least momentarily. I supposed that's how our genius legislators Pelosi, Reid, Obama etc. want us to feel...with numb acquiescence and blind, exhausted submission. Meanwhile, the weather forecast for the next four days here is for sunshine!

So maybe after a good night's sleep and a few hours of sun tomorrow, my blind, pitiless indifference and stony cold silence will thaw into a few well chosen words and even thoughts of optimism for what seems an out-of- control government that's lost its way and in desperate need of its Founding Principles and mega-doses of fiscal restraint.

MEANWHILE, George Will writes today on our culture of modern immaturity reviewing a book by the same name I really want to read and no doubt will agree with.


  1. Don't worry: health care is win/win. If it doesn't pass: win. If it passes, the Dem Party is destroyed in the near future, and Repubs will sweep into office and repeal it. Win/win!

    I predict the thing would not, at this point, be able to be implemented. A lot of government dictates would have to be accepted and implemented by the private sector. I don't see it happening. The stiff necks of the private sector would save the nation.

    Don't Worry, Be Happy

  2. Gee, I hope you're right. But if you and Bobby say not to worry, then I'm gonna listen and take heart. After all the sun shined brightly today too!
