Thursday, March 4, 2010

And Now For Some Good News.....


WHEN TUNKU VARADARAJAN WRITES at the Daily Beast, I go straightaway and read every word. It doesn't matter what the subject is, when Tunku writes, I listen. My only regret is his name is so appallingly hard for me to spell or remember---which means it's almost impossible for a poor speller like me to tackle. I want to run every time I see it in print and have to cut and paste when I link. Though I'm beginning to see I might be able to make a little rhythmic poem out of VA-RA-DA-RA-JAN and someday be able to commit it to rote memory....kind of like I did with Ahmadinejad---which I first learned by something about a dinner jacket.

But I digress. Today Mr. VA-RA-DA-RA-JAN writes about the good news in Sunday's upcoming elections in Iraq and how far the country has come in the last five years in spite of all the naysayers and anti-Bush crowd who said all our efforts in Iraq were doomed to failure. Of course now the Obama/Biden administration wants to take credit for it all, after years of dissing their predecessors and the courageous stand our country took under Bush/Cheney. It's all so ironic and hypocritical, isn't it?

Anyway, I hope you will avail yourself to this wonderful piece by a man who knows what he's talking about. A man who owns a name that one day I hope I can say and spell as easily as I can say Palin.


  1. Wikipedia helps. I'm not helping you - and would NEVER do that, b/c it would never work - but am memorizing the name for my own amusement.

    Vara = river in Italy - when I saw the photo, I knew I would remember the river:

    Dara = found in the Bible's Old Testament Books of Chronicles. Dara was a biblical descendant of Judah known for his wisdom.

    Jan = Jan Brady, of The Brady Bunch, of course.

    So, at the Vara River, the wise Dara reflects by the shore, and the brazen Jan Brady walks up and kisses him on the lips = Varadarajan. They honeymoon in a Tunk Tank, or something.

  2. That is truly one of cleverest comments I've ever read, Greg. I mean in no time, I think I can adopt you story and be fluent in Tunku's full name. You just given us a memory bomb! Amazing!

    Thank you!
