Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Trouble In Paradise? Obama and Biden Show a Disunited Front, Will Hillary Re-Enter This Picture?

If ever there was an outsider into the heart and soul of the Obama/Biden ticket, it's me. From the outside, however, it sure seems like some cracks are appearing. First with this. Then this. While to a casual observer like me, it's somewhat amusing, in the end, can it portend something more serious? Could a political separation or divorce be in the making? Which begs the greater question, if a schism happens, can Hillary be far behind? Might I wonder futher: Is this staged by the Dems, to get Biden off the ticket, leaving the way for a new VEEP?

Look, let's be honest, Joe doesn't give a damn about moving to Massachusetts Avenue in January. He likes taking Amtrak to and from Delaware every day and it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. It ain't no shirt off his back if he gets off the ticket. He'll still be Joe, doing what Joe does.....in the Senate. Perhaps in the end, he's better off. This could get interesting.


  1. We like Joe. He keeps it lively.

  2. "Might I wonder futher: Is this staged by the Dems, to get Biden off the ticket, leaving the way for a new VEEP?"

    I'm more inclined to think Charles Krauthammer covers that with...

    "Krauthammer's razor (with apologies to Occam):
    In explaining any puzzling Washington phenomenon,
    always choose stupidity over conspiracy, incompetence over cunning.
    Anything else gives them too much credit."

  3. i honestly don't believe Hillary would take a VEEP position.

    she's well able to wait 4 years and come out guns a'blazin'.

    besides, if Obama won, and she were VP, would she run against her own Prez in 2012?

  4. Ridiculous suggestion. Obama doesn't need Hillary to win. Hillary will be a great Attorney General, Bill - a great UN ambassador, maybe the return of Colin Powell as Sec of State, this time for a competent administration that won't sell out his integrity.

  5. i honestly don't believe Hillary would take a VEEP position.

    she's well able to wait 4 years and come out guns a'blazin'.

    besides, if Obama won, and she were VP, would she run against her own Prez in 2012?
