Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Michelle Malkin Goes Where Angels Fear To Tread

Have to say, Michelle is on to something big here: illegal immigration and the sub-prime mess. Her piece today should be mandatory reading for all sane people who want to connect the dots, ALL the dots.

No one escapes culpability. It's going to take a while, maybe a long while to clean this up. Connecting the dots just got very politically incorrect and even more bi-partisan.

Can we say buenos dias?

More: Mark Krikorian---Credit is not a civil right. I might add neither is a college education.


  1. ...nor health care
    ...nor voting

    citizens only.

  2. And how about this: If you're legal, and have fallen off the tax rolls, you get only 1/2 to no vote. The diminishing numbers of taxpayers get a full vote. It's called representation with taxation.

  3. Hey,

    How about all those taxpayers who live in the District of Columbia?

    You know, that part of America that really does have taxation without representation?

