Thursday, September 20, 2007

Way to Go, Fred

I'm liking Fred's style and substance here: Brief, simple, informal, clear, seemingly spontaneous, down home. (And of course, I like the message on Hillaryscare.) Feel like I'm in the limo with him, but I'm in the front seat and he's in the back....interesting. Nice job. Want more of these...short, sweet and conversational.

This is the way Fred can use the Internet to his greatest advantage: these short, unexpected video snippits. He knows the American attention span is easily bored and over-caffeinated.

Hat tip: Bill Hobbs

UPDATE: Some reviews aren't so great for Fred's speaking style.



Simply amazing! What goes round, etc.



Arrogance Unlimited. A HELL NO! waiting to happen.

Think it's time we let the UN go to some other part of the world, so these thugs don't have any excuse to be allowed in the United States.


  1. Oh he's great! I loved his relaxed style in this video. I could listen to him talk all day!

  2. I agree completely. He is not catching on with the conservative elites at The Corner, though, or with James Dobson.
