Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Almost One Year Later

In the past month, I have lost one blog and two hard drives---on both a PC and a Mac---and had to replace everything that could be salvaged. Many documents and photos, not to mention a few readers and comments, are sadly lost forever. All this has been a monumental inconvenience/learning experience, though I am so grateful that everything is now restored with the help of the best of geeks.

Now, I'm weary of all things computer, but know it won't last.

At some point, I will get my groove and enthusiam back for blogging, but at the moment, it's at a very low point. I am not only bored, but worse, feel boring. That's not much fun.

I'm bored with all things Hillary, bored with Fred, bored with the upcoming elections, bored with illegal immigration, bored with OJ---lock him up and throw away the key, along with any and all keyboards that write another word about him after he's behind bars---bored even with the endless criticism of and from the left. Hopefully, I'll snap out of it, but if not, I am comforted knowing there is a proliferation of new, well informed bloggers out there not at a loss for words.


UPDATE: There's nothing boring to me about this:

Thanks to Pajamas Media, I want to link to the piece written by Daniel Pearl's father, Judea, today in the Guardian called The Death of Relativism. A wonderful heartening read.

All I can say is amen. And may Judea Pearl's son rest in peace.


  1. "I'm bored with all things Hillary, bored with Fred, bored with the upcoming elections, bored with illegal immigration, bored with OJ---lock him up and throw away the key along with any and all keyboards that write another word about him---bored even with the endless criticism of the left."

    Yep. I'm right there with ya.

  2. Hey Tom, Whadda you say we go play a round of golf or go fishing?! If you want to increase your sense of humor, I promise seeing me on the golf course would do it!!

  3. Sounds great to me! And I'll tell you something, you'll increase your sense of humor by watching me use a fly rod for the first time! I've done a lot of conventional fishing, and I've always wanted to try fly fishing...

  4. Well, you've come to the right place for fly casting lessons....we'll do it one of these days...

  5. Beloved Webutante, (that's how St. Paul started his letters), you are not bored, weary maybe but not bored. I hope I'm not to blame for suggesting it appeared you were losing interest several weeks ago.
    Take a rest, reenergize and work up an enthusiasm for resisting the left again. We need you on board.
    St. Paul

  6. With St. Paul in the stands, how can I not re-energize myself? It's fun to be weary and put upon every now and then.

    Anyway, just hearing OJ got sprung from jail today and Dan Rather sued CBS for $70x10 to the 6th is enough to get my blood flowing again!

    Thanks for the encouragement.

  7. Webutante,
    Please add my encouragement to the others. Thanks for the Judea Pearl link. I appreciate you and your blog very much.
