Sunday, April 10, 2011

Finding and Teaching Christ in The Old Testament

SO MANY, MANY PEOPLE BELIEVE CHRIST IS FOUND ONLY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT and while He may have been prophesized about long before His birth, He was never to be seen. I know I did once.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

Listening to this video is only a teaser of how the pre-incarnate Christ pervades the Old Testament from beginning to end with numerous sightings. The Angel of the Lord of the OT is He who was later in linear time born in a manger, died on the Cross for us and resurrected to Eternal Life, leading the way for our own salvation and eternal life. He actually appears in the Old Testament.

Very good news indeed---in both Testaments.

H/T The Gospel Coalition

CrossReference+ Episode 2 from HeadHeartHand Media on Vimeo.

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