Neo: We need a
12-step program for Obama obsessed writers and bloggers. Sorry, I'm not ready to quit just yet, you'll have to do an intervention if you can catch me.
A total political animal with absolutely no experience whatsoever to commend him to be president of the United States at this time in history, Obama sure does know how to work a crowd. Especially the media crowd. And how to you like a man who now has 300 foreign relations advisers? 300, I say!
Who does he think he is anyway, Little Lord Obamoroy? Mile High Stadium in Denver isn't nearly high enough to match his mushrooming aspirations for the next 8-
10? years. He's a man who's already thinking about his second term in office and beyond! What hubris. God help us all to see through this media made chimera.
Little Lord Obamoroy
I love it!
MRed, When my children were growing up, especially my son, and would ask for ridiculous for things---I would frequently ask: "Who do you think you are, Little Lord Fontleroy?" and then nicely say "No!"
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