Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Carla, Please Get a Hold of Yourself, Deary

Every now and then someone says something publicly that embarrasses me for them, their family and friends and even me. You wonder what in the world they're thinking and then you realize they're NOT thinking. Just emoting from under a spell. As my grandmother would say, it's in very poor taste.

Carla's current effusion on her new hubby---you are my junk---Nick is just such a statement. It's what I call TMI, too much information. Never mind that she's obviously taken leave of her higher mental faculties and is inhabiting her lower energy centers. She's wildly attracted to the man who is now her husband and her 31st? lover. She has also come under the spell of an even greater aphrodiasic: power.

She's setting herself up for a fall somewhere down the road. And I don't look forward to hearing her bleat when her junk wears off.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sickening isn't it Web? It causes me to question the judgement of Nikolas as well.