Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Victim School of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's Mentor and Pastor

SUNDAY UPDATE: Wright's poor church is boo hooing. Boo hoo.
SATURDAY UPDATE: Obama's chief victim peddler leaves his campaign.
UPDATE: More madness at Confederate Yankee.


Saw this clip at Roger Simon's this morning and I too think it's appalling. It's what I call radical fundamental victim hood at its most vociferous. It seeks to divide and conquer race and class by guilt and obligation. Here we blatantly see the universal message of the victim: life ain't fair, you owe it me to fix it, and nothing you can do will ever be enough, so keep trying harder .

This is the same message I hear from Obama's wife Michele too. Wright is the man who married Barack and Michele, baptized their children and will be advising his parishioner if he wins the White House.

The 'Reverend' Wright doesn't think God should bless America so much as damn America. To say he has a chip on his shoulder and wants all his black followers to too would be the grossest of understatements

This is what I call post-modern civil rights at its worst. And lest we forget, there's also post-modern feminist rights, post-modern gay rights, post-modern climate change rights and on and on.

May God help us all.


  1. This story is going to be absolutely huge. How does Obama respond? If he repudiates Wright, the obvious follow-up question will be, "Why now? Why not five, ten, fifteen years ago?" This is going to hurt Obama badly.

  2. This is not a guilt by association issue. Obama has been close to Wright for 20 years and claims not to know the man held these kookey radical opinions. How many people that you have been in close association for 20 years that offer public comments on this country can you say that about. Obama is lying plain and simple. I don't know if he shares Wright's opinions but to believe he's been unaware of them is nonsense. More knowing these opinions he calls this man his mentor and advisor. Obama has lost any claim to credulity. A web of circumstances is coming together destroying his claim to have the quality of judgement required to lead this country. We are looking at a con man; a winning personality, articulate, apparently promising but concealing a character untrustworthy, lacking judgement and shameless. Don't let this get swept away with the guilt by association broom.

  3. Thanks, Paul, I couldn't agree with you more, and also think this Wright business is the beginning of the end for Obama's candidacy. Wright's diatribe is pathetic and that's putting it nicely.
