Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sunday, Mockers

 Mockers stir up a city, but the wise turn away anger.---Proverbs 29:8

INTERNET CULTURE.  We have learned a great deal about mockers, those who scoff at all truth claims and virtue.  Here we see that their work not only harms personal relationships but can stir up a city.---that is undermine an entire social order. Literally, this verse says mockers set a city on fire, agitating people, stirring up skepticism, doubt, division and cynicism. This leads to a breakdown in society, because people who listen to mockers can't really believe or trust in any ideals, noble causes, or moral absolutes.

It could be argued that technology has, in an enhanced way, given mockers a platform to set our society on fire with polarizing, incendiary speech.  Internet culture privileges mockers, whose insults and broadsides are click bait. It disadvantages the kin of civil, respectful, patient and careful back and forth that brings a diverse society together.  The question is----how do we turn away the anger it causes?  That is the challenge for the wise today. Start by not being sucked into  its passions yourself.

Have you found yourself upset by what you read on social media?  Did you get drawn into it? How can you avoid that?

PRAYER:  Lord, many try to stir up my anger---to get my support, money, vote and to buy things.  With your help, I resolve resistance.   Remind me that you are the judge, and I am the judged, yet absolved in Christ.  Let these wondrous truths consume my self-righteous indignation.  Amen

----God's Wisdom for Navigating Life,  Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller


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