Friday, January 22, 2016

An Incredible Story of Healing @ Mark's Daily Apple


HERE'S THE FRIDAY TRANSFORMATION STORY @ MARK'S DAILY APPLE, and what a story it is! Anyone who thinks drastically changing your lifestyle and eating habits doesn't work needs to read this, then read it again.

Without a doubt Mark Sissom's primal lifestyle blog and books are helping to change and heal more overweight and chronically sick people than thousands of doctors, prescription drugs ever could. This is not a diet, but a complete lifestyle overhaul that heals and gives people back their will-to-live and be productive. What a great story!

Read it and be inspired and encouraged.

I am a 43-year-old man who was an intravenous meth user for 18 years, in prison three times, jail 18 times, and homeless. I was saved from my drug use and criminal life, but I had become depressed. I became reclusive and began to eat myself into obesity…topping the scales at 315 pounds. 

I had absolutely no energy and was completely useless to my wife and son. The example I was setting for my two-year-old son was an unhealthy lifestyle. Unless I changed my habits, and he continued to eat what I was serving him, his health would also suffer. I was eating fast food, processed food, cereals, boxed foods, canned foods, juices, sodas, etc. 

Out of concern for my well being, my cousin, who has been living the paleo lifestyle for years, introduced me to Mark’s Daily Apple for more information and direction on eating paleo. What I read made sense, and I took it on 100%. 

I was amazed at not just the weight loss, but at the enormous increase in my energy. Over time my depression lifted.

 Using nutritional information from Mark’s Daily Apple in combination with my workout routine, I was able to lose 140 pounds and gain lean muscle in 15 months. My energy level is remarkable. Bed at 8:30 p.m. and up at 3:30 a.m.I am a personal trainer for others, and I care for my two sons and my wife, so my days are always jam packed, and I never fatigue....

 Read more

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