Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Liz, It's Not Going To Happen For You In Wyoming Right Now, What Are You Thinking?

LOOK LIZ, I'VE SEEN YOU OCCASIONALLY ON TV and think you're fairly smart and articulate. Then last year the buzz around Jackson was you and your hubby were moving  here so you could begin to build a political power base for yourself.

But isn't today's official announcement that you're running against senior Republican Sen. Mike Enzi jumping the gun a tad bit? To me it verges on major arrogance.  After all,  you've been living in Virginia for decades even though your dad and mom have a huge second or third home here in Wilson.

If you're really doing this for the people of Wyoming, then shouldn't you wait a while and get acquainted with them ---not just in liberal-leaning Jackson but all over the state?  Enzi has been a Wyomingian for decades and serves the people admirably.  He knows them and their issues. He's also the incumbent, one of the most conservative senior senators in Congress.

But you know all that, and clearly are choosing to shove ahead with the help of your dad and his network of deep-pocket friends.

Carry on, my dear. But I predict this is not going to go the way you'd like it to next year.  You come across as a pushy, impatient, divisive and self-serving  broad who's out for herself. It's simply too soon and way too insincere.

You're using the people of Wyoming---not to mention forcing Enzi to start campaigning a year early, taking him away from doing his job---and I pray they won't let you succeed.


  1. Full disclosure: I am not a Wyominian, so I'm just a spectator. Second, I like Enzi, he does a fine job as Senator, and Wyoming and the US will be well served if he returns for another term.

    All that being said, I like Liz. She's fiery, in your face to the lunatic leftists destroying this country. Enzi goes to DC and does his job. In normal times, that's admirable. Now? We conservatives have been entirely too acquiescent to the narrative. I want someone who is going to push back, and so far, Liz looks to be better at that.

    YMMV and the election is a long way off.

  2. Your points are well taken, Weirddave. I'm just not sure the best use of Liz's fiery pushback and vague positions is in unseating a perfectly good conservative senior senator. There's certainly more than one way for her to use her drive.

    Will be interesting to see how it plays out; however, I think it will be the end for her and Dick's legacy. And yes, I oculd be wrong.

  3. Your points are well taken Weirddave. Still I can;t help but think there are many places and positions Liz can be fiery other than unseating a good conservative senator.

  4. Your points are well taken WD. I do think Liz's fiery, in-your-face 'conservative' politics can be better used than taking a good, hard-working senior senator down....those qualities never go out of style, no matter what generation....will be interesting to watch this primary race play out.

    But, I'm betting on old Enzi and the demise of the Cheney dynasty in Wyoming.
