Thursday, February 7, 2013

Several Links Worth Passing On


I'VE BEEN LALLYGAGGING AROUND THIS WEEK in mangroves, along beaches and  rails-to-trails.  Weather wonderful though a bit cool for paddle boarding or swimming.  Nonetheless,  I'm starting to want to get out of the sun and back online to see what's going on in the world.

For starters here are a few pieces that have caught my eye and interest:

Stuart Schneiderman @ Had Enough Therapy? has a bullseye piece up Are Republicans Too Polite For Politics?  This piece needs to be read, reread, lived and breathed for the next few years. His points are well taken. Conservatives need some pit bulls who can take on elites with shock and awe. If we don't and soon, we'll all be migrating to Santiago, Chile.

Seems  I've read far too many stories lately of young people committing suicide while taking psychotropic drugs for attention deficit disorders---now being prescribed to kids at-the-drop-of-a-hat even above objections of their parents.  This story today in NYPOST of a woman in Manhattan jumping off the George Washington Bridge is the latest.  She certainly seemed to have a number of 'undealtwith issues' going on in her life.

However I have to question the growing automotic flight to drugs for any and every nouvelle fashionable diagnosis.  It seems if you're hyper, you might  be helped to cut down on sugar, wheat and caffeine and get regular exercise.  The  pathologizing of lack of discipline and bratty, entitled behavior followed by prescribing of long-term chemical quick-fixes is taking a heavy toll on society as we sadly see more suicides----almost unheard of in my generation---- and chronic unhinged and immature behavior.

Mark Perry @ Carpe Diem  finds unexpected innovative ways to make money---in his Markets In Everything genre.  Today Mark has found a humdinger in China:

Rent-a-Boyfriend in China: “Because so many Chinese live and work away from their native towns and villages, and travel home only once a year for the New Year holiday, the treasured family time is weighted with pressure to show what you’ve accomplished over the last 12 months. For many young women, showing up at home with a pleasant-looking, well-behaved boyfriend – even if your family never sees him again – is better than enduring two weeks of questions about why there’s no marriage or kids on the horizon.”

Well, the Chinese women can now rent boyfriends to take home for the holidays, see stories here, here (quoted above) and here. There are more than 300 boyfriend-rental services currently listed on the Chinese shopping website Taobao, here’s an example: “Boyfriend for rent, 300 yuan a day [$48], holding hands and hugs free, appropriate kisses 50 yuan, talking to old people 30 yuan an hour, others we’ll talk about it when we meet … Accommodation and transport costs paid by the woman.”
Perry also posted a YouTube of Ronald Reagan in 1961 speaking out against Obamacare--- regaling Americans on the dangers of socialized medicine and how it would lead us down the slippery slope of socialism and worse. Here's the clip if you're interested,

Wouldn't President Reagan be horrified and saddened today to know we've let the horse escape from the barn and it may be too late for closing it now?

Finally, over at National Review Online, an amazing story on the forward and insatiable march of 'progress.' Here we learn of Brown University's new policy of paying for students' sex change operations at college. Are you speechless yet at this brave new world we now find ourselves living in? I confess, I am.

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