Friday, July 6, 2012

Jane Pitt, A Courageous Mother Speaks Her Politically, Culturally Incorrect Mind


BY NOW, WE'VE ALL READ OR HEARD ABOUT THE UTTERLY 'SCANDALOUS' letter Jane Pitt wrote to her local paper the Springfield News-Leader this week. Almost every headline I've read---except ironically on Drudge---decries her remarks as 'anti-gay.' Here's the quote from Jane's letter and a link to Business Insider piece, inaptly entitled Read the Anti-Gay Letter Brad Pitt's Mother Just Wrote Her Local Paper:

Any Christian who does not vote or writes in a name is casting a vote for Romney’s opponent, Barack Hussein Obama — a man who sat in Jeremiah Wright’s church for years, did not hold a public ceremony to mark the National Day of Prayer, and is a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage.

That such an innocuous letter could be a source of such outcry is beyond silly, except of course for the fact that her liberal film star son Brad is wildly pro gay marriage along with his unwed baby momma Angelina Jolie. The latter being those anything goes trend setters of their brave new godless world. Or should I say, Jane's young Pitt children have become their own gods with their own morally relative creeds.....who needs the silly old Bible anyway? So uninformed and out of date.

Apparantly Jane Pitt does. And reads and studies it too. I'm sure as a believer, Jane prays daily for mercy on her children and for their eventual salvation in Jesus Christ. I'm sure she also prays for a spiritual revival in our country. She, as I do, does not equate same-sex 'unions' with one man-one-woman marriage as ordained by God. It's not because she hates anyone. It's because she believes what the Word of God teaches over and over. She fears God and the eventual judgment of those who don't return to its teachings.

From my reading of her statement above, Jane is basically endorsing Mitt Romney for president and asking people not to vote for Barack Hussein Obama for a second term because: He went to the church of Jeremiah Wright, has failed the keep the traditional national day of prayer, supports abortion---the killing of unborn children---and finally supports gay marriage.

Nothing more, nothing less. She has every right under the First Amendment to say that and to support her deepest held beliefs against abortion and gay marriage without being brow-beatend and silenced as anti-gay by the the over-reacting, screaming press. Or by her non-role model children.

So do I. So let me say it loud and clear: I second every word and sentiment Jane Pitt says and think it's terrific she wrote to her newspaper.

Since when does not being for gay marriage make someone anti-gay and homophopic? It's quite a jump. But one the left-of-center main-stream-media makes routinely, hysterically now in order to cast them as the dreaded homophobic. What a joke.

And to badger, intimidate and outright nag ad naseum anyone who doesn't believe in gay marriage is abuse. Today's godless proponents simply cannot fathom anyone having principles deeper and older than our post-modern society.

I say stay the course, dear Jane. Good for you! I'm sure Jolie's politically conservative father agrees with most everything she says. But whether Jon Voight does or doesn't have the courage to agree because of his fragile relationship with his daughter, Jane Pitt has spoken her mind and made herself a dignified part of the conversation which is much more than I can say for many of her loud-mouth, hysterical detractors in the MSM. Jane should always speak her conscience before to cowtowing to her morally degenrate son and his baby momma in a world that's fast approaching the abyss.

And may God bless her and all those who are willing to stand up for what they/we believe.

An important link from Fraydna: The Power to Love, Hard Questions


COMMENT FROM GREG COTHARN (which I also published in my comments) One of the best comments I've ever had. Thank you, Greg!


The genesis, of the American left's ability to say that Mrs. Pitt is anti gay, was the group of Frankfurt School Marxists who were sheltered at Columbia University in 1933 (several of them were Jews who were fleeing Hitler). B/c Marxist theory - that the workers of the world would unite - had been proven wrong (b/c the workers were happily pursuing the free market American dream), the Frankfurt Schoolers, over some years of brainstorming, perceived that they must bring down American capitalism.

How to do it?

Their solution: attack American culture, from within, via causing Americans to lose confidence in our culture. How to do this? Political correctness, and the grievance industries (race, gender, et al). Also, for instance, the free love movement of the 1960s was originated by the Frankfurt Schoolers, in hopes that it would attack American's confidence in our cultural sexual mores. And, bringing this comment full circle, the Frankfurt School's Max Horkheimer argued that " logic is not independent of content."

In practice, this meant that an argument was logical if it helped destroy Western culture; illogical if it supported Western culture.

Horkheimer's argument has been accepted, and expanded, by modern political correct thinkers.

A person is virtuous and caring if they help destroy Western culture (via, for instance, supporting gay marriage), and a person is a hater if they support Western culture (via, for instance, opposing gay marriage). If logic is not independent from content, then virtue is not independent from content.

I do not know how to speak of the above w/o appearing as a wackadoodle conspiracy theorist. When I first happened upon the information, I thought is must be conspiracy bunk.

Yet, I was curious enough to give it a brief look.

I have enough knowledge of the 1960s to have, during my initial look, recognized that historic truth was being presented.

In the last couple of years of his life, Andrew Breitbart frequently referenced the Frankfurt School's attempt to damage America's confidence in her cultural heritage.

Currently, Bill Whittle makes reference to the same thing. The theories of the Frankfurt Schoolers are undisputed historic fact. It is just that, when you first speak of them, your audience believes you have gone round the bend. video: Whittle video: of course, I absolve you of responsibility to watch these videos - especially while you are on vacation! I am not a demanding commenter! I just put them here so that they will be here, for reference, in case you ever wish to look at them. Love from Texas.

Greg, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Let's continue from herek on the Frankfurt School.


  1. The genesis, of the American left's ability to say that Mrs. Pitt is anti gay, was the group of Frankfurt School Marxists who were sheltered at Columbia University in 1933 (several of them were Jews who were fleeing Hitler).

    B/c Marxist theory - that the workers of the world would unite - had been proven wrong (b/c the workers were happily pursuing the free market American dream), the Frankfurt Schoolers, over some years of brainstorming, perceived that they must bring down American capitalism. How to do it? Their solution: attack American culture, from within, via causing Americans to lose confidence in our culture. How to do this? Political correctness, and the grievance industries (race, gender, et al). Also, for instance, the free love movement of the 1960s was originated by the Frankfurt Schoolers, in hopes that it would attack American's confidence in our cultural sexual mores.

    And, bringing this comment full circle, the Frankfurt School's Max Horkheimer argued that "logic is not independent of content." In practice, this meant that an argument was logical if it helped destroy Western culture; illogical if it supported Western culture. Horkheimer's argument has been accepted, and expanded, by modern political correct thinkers. A person is virtuous and caring if they help destroy Western culture (via, for instance, supporting gay marriage), and a person is a hater if they support Western culture (via, for instance, opposing gay marriage). If logic is not independent from content, then virtue is not independent from content.


    I do not know how to speak of the above w/o appearing as a wackadoodle conspiracy theorist. When I first happened upon the information, I thought is must be conspiracy bunk. Yet, I was curious enough to give it a brief look. I have enough knowledge of the 1960s to have, during my initial look, recognized that historic truth was being presented. In the last couple of years of his life, Andrew Breitbart frequently referenced the Frankfurt School's attempt to damage America's confidence in her cultural heritage. Currently, Bill Whittle makes reference to the same thing. The theories of the Frankfurt Schoolers are undisputed historic fact. It is just that, when you first speak of them, your audience believes you have gone round the bend.
    Whittle video:

    of course, I absolve you of responsibility to watch these videos - especially while you are on vacation! I am not a demanding commenter! I just put them here so that they will be here, for reference, in case you ever wish to look at them. Love from Texas.

  2. John Rankin at the Theological Education Institute has some powerful wisdom for Christians on this entire issue, in my opinion. The articles in are especially insightful, and I look forward to the next one.

    Here's the link if anyone is interested:

    (Sorry, I'm not sure how to embed but you can copy & paste :)

  3. Greg,
    You mentioned the Marxists that fled Hitler and attacking America's culture and ideals. Considering the values Hitlet put forward, a defender of traditional marriage, against abortion... consider the following quotes that seem oddly familiar and identifiable to one side of the political aisle in today's American politics:

    "Today Christians stand at the head of [this country]... I pledge that I never will tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity .. We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit ... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theater, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past ... (few) years."

    - Adolf Hitler, quoted in: The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872

    "Parallel to the training of the body a struggle against the poisoning of the soul must begin. Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth...Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea. "

    - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 10


  4. Actually, once Hitler came to power, he became very pro-choice and completely condoned abortion. He had bought into Margaret Saunger's thesis of ethnic cleansing...

    I learned long ago, don't just listen to what a man says, believe what he does. Hitler may have said he was a Christian but his actions belie something very different.

    To wit:

    Approximately 11 to 17 million people died due to the Holocaust. It is very difficult to know accurately as some records weren't kept or were destroyed. Of that amount, it is generally agreed that about 6 million were Jews.

    It's impossible to know how many Christians died in the Holocaust, because faith usually wasn't a category listed on most records.

    The Catholic Church was persecuted, and many Catholic Poles were systematically slaughtered. Numbers are difficult to know, but it is thought perhaps 3 million Catholic Poles lost their lives to the Nazi regime.

    An interesting book to read about a Christian family who tried to circumvent Nazi terror and help their Jewish neighbors is The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom.

    When Hitler's T4 euthanasia program was put into effect to exterminate the mentally ill, the outcry from the German Catholic forced him to cancel it.

    Read more:

  5. Thanks fraydna for the link. As you can see I like it very much. Put it at the top of my scroll.

    Excellent resource! Greatly appreciated.

  6. To Anonymous, re Hitler and Christians

    I want to make certain that I clearly understand your point.

    Is this your reasoning:
    1. Christian behavior is frequently imperfect and nonvirtuous.
    2. This constitutes significant evidence that Christianity is false.

    Or, is your reasoning more like this:
    1. Christians have childlike faith(i.e. faith which is not grounded in solid reasoning and evidence)
    2. Therefore, Christian reasoning is skewed reasoning.
    3. This is significant evidence that Christians are willing participants in a cult (just as Nazis were participants in the cult of Nazism).

    Or, Anonymous, are you making a different point which I have failed to grasp? When I clearly understand your point, I will happily comment on how Christians think in regards to that point.

    Jane, via this blog, introduced me to Pastor Timothy Keller, who wrote a book ("Reason for God") which addresses many (non)belief questions which he is frequently asked, in his capacity as Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, by young professionals in Manhattan. Pastor Keller said, for himself - in addressing questions of atheists - the most difficult question is the question about bad behavior by Christians. This may be the exact question which you are referencing! Congratulations, you may have zeroed in on Pastor Keller's most difficult question. Here, Pastor Keller, at the Veritas Forum at Columbia University, responds to this question:
