Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lite Tuesday And Rush's Poor Choice of Name Calling


IF THE PRIMARY VOTING BOOTH I JUST CAME OUT OF here in Nashville is any indication of the gravitas of what's been known as SUPER TUESDAY, then mark me, my vote and attendance as an endangered species. Wow! The crowds must all be walking in the bright sunshine down near Tootsies Orchid Lounge before five days of forecast rain.

Is it something Newt said?  Or maybe it's it just my imagination.

The intrepid grounds keeper at my condo complex---who's a hard-nosed Democrat---told me emphatically a little while ago,  They've gone after each other so bad, nobody cares no more.

Well maybe, maybe not, Bob. I don't like to argue with a man wielding a massive weed-eater.

Most people I know were going to vote, though most already think Mitt Romney, whom I voted for, is a shoo-in. The winner in Tennessee doesn't take all the 58 delegates unless he wins at least 66% of the vote. Otherwise, its apportioned proportionally---if you know what I mean.

So the big deal today isn't Tennessee which will go either for Romney or Satorum, but Ohio. We'll see how it all goes later today.  The polls close at 7 CST.

Meanwhile, I want to say a few words about the Rush Limbaugh melee:

First and foremost, I think Rush's name-calling was extremely inappropriate and lowered the bar for political and cultural discourse--- already dangerously low--- in our country. There is no excuse for such foolishness from a conservative talk-show host who should know better.

Having said that, his faux pas has called glaring attention to the feminist Sandra Fluke and the left's radical agenda for sexual reproductive "rights" namely the newest--- after taxpayer funded abortion and birth control---taxpayer funded sex-change operations now euphemistically known as gender reassignment.

It's all in the name of the holy grail of non-discrimination, you understand. Holy Mother of God!

If what we're seeing in this country doesn't take the cake, then nothing will. If anyone doubts that after the legalization of abortion, gay marriage and Obamacare that the radicals won't push  these 'victories' to even more extreme positions and want taxpayers to pay for their agendas, then nothing will.

I would call Sandra Fluke a dependent who's radical pushing a pathetic agenda of dependence on government for  relevance and survival.  Anyone who believes her sad shtick is heading down an unsustainable path of government slavery.

One of the good things about the economy tanking again in the next few years, is that all  Ms. Fluke's schemes will be moot beyond belief.  For now, she is having her 24 hours of fame. And for the record,  I reserve the right under the Constitution to discriminate in any and every way I choose.

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