Monday, January 23, 2012

A Few Words About Mitt, Newt Verses Obama With Links


FRANKLY,  I'M LUKEWARM ON GINGRICH.  Almost as lukewarm as I am about Romney.

Nevertheless,  I'm open to supporting either candidate in this fight-to-the-death against the most destructive American president we've had in decades, if not ever, since the founding of our country.

Make no mistake,  President Obama wants us--the American taxpayer---to finance his re-election by getting us and our children to pay for even more stimulus and entitlements---he can tout as his accomplishments---to the tune of trillions of moneies we don't have.  But nevermind, he wants it anyway, will have Ben print it and take it to lure disenfranchised prospective voters.

This is no ordinary election as we all know.  I've made up my mind I can and will warm up to any candidate I think can beat this pathetic  excuse for a leader.

If Newt is the man, then so be it.  If it's Mitt, then that's fine by me. In all cases may the best man win.  And the race to the GOP is far, far from  done.

A couple of good links this morning include:

Victor Hanson at PJMedia: Welcome to the 2012 Circus: The Acts, The Players, The Hype.

The at IBD this morning we read:

Leadership: A great debater. Politically polarizing. Prone to great error, but also prone to spectacular success. Steeped in history. Politically brilliant. Unorthodox. Audacious.

All these qualities were once used to describe Winston Churchill. Today, you might use the same words to describe Newt Gingrich. Sound absurd? Not when you think about it.

Churchill, like Gingrich, was a brilliant politician with a powerful sense of the occasion.

Compelling reading though I need more convincing. Daniel Flynn isn't the man to do it, since he doesn't think Newt is morally up to being president.

Maybe, maybe not. Only the long slog ahead will tell.


  1. Brokered convention? Last time for Republicans was 1948 with Dewey. Similarities exist as Truman was considered one and done, alas we know that ending. As you, I will vigorously support our nominee, but...

  2. Republican Family Values on display:

    Using daughters from your First Wife to convince everyone that your Second Wife is lying about your Third Wife.

    Clown show.

  3. Willy is on a tear. He's cutting and pasting the same drivel he has lifted from other people's writing on all the sites he can. He ought to get a life.

  4. mRed, because I still moderate my comments and always will since I'm often away from the computer, I only let William, aka Bill,k make about one comment a month. Sometimes it's one in six months! Yes the cut-and-paste life is alive and well here...but I don't let it get to me anymore. I do see him often at your site...

  5. Yes, some of us are just lucky I guess...
