Saturday, January 21, 2012

Adding An Important New Link To My Sidebar


IN THE SHORT, MEDIUM AND LONGER-TERM SCHEME OF THINGS, this is one of the most important links I've ever added to my sidebar since starting Webutante in late 2006. It's the daily blog of Mark Sisson, health and wellness role model and author of--The Primal Blueprint--Reprogram your genes for effortless weight loss, vibrant health, and boundless energy.

First and foremost, Sisson advocates a diet, exercise and lifestyle plan described as paleo that's come into fashion in the last few years. It centers around the theory that ancient man was much healthier and more disease-free before the advent of the agricultural revolution with its mass production and consumption of modern-day sugar, grains, beans and legumes which---the theory goes---cause high levels of blood suger and insulin leading to weight gain, obesity heart disease and cancer as well as the inflammation of arteries, brain tissue, joints and other chronic degenerative maladies of our post-modern age.

The paleo lifestyle also includes the most sane workout and exercise protocols I've ever seen. It works.

Of course this theory flies in the face of modern food pyramids and drug company propaganda advocating tons of starch and carbs for a myriad of faux reasons.

Anyway, my link is to Mark's Daily Apple and it's a wonderful way to become familiar with the paleo diet and lifestyle model. I also highly recommend one of his books. If you have any health, weight or aging issues, then you owe it to yourself to take a look at this material and give it a try. Without doubt, I think it's the most important lifestyle regime I've ever seen.

I'll be linking more to the health breaththroughs seen at Mark's Daily Apple as well as similar sites in 2012 and, God willing, beyond,


  1. Thanks for this link. This is very interesting information. I've emailed Mark.

    Being a fish only person that has avoided eggs, the paleo diet would be tough, but some of the principles I will definitely adopt.

    As you may know, I am a nationally competitive sprinter. I had a substandard and disappointing National Championship competiton (finishing 4th and 5th) that I partially attribute to bad nutrition. I was so obsessed with shaving off body weight to get a few extra hundredths of a second of speed, I cut too many carbs and fat and fatigued more quickly than usual. I'm 52 this year, 5'7" and 138 lbs, tank tested body fat of 9% (the avg American male is 30-35%). For someone like me, I see that cutting all fat and all carbs is a bad idea. BTW... not all carbs are the same as you know. For example, sweet potato is considerably far more nutritious than white potato. (slightly lower carb and far more nutrients).

    I used to avoid ALL carbs and grains, still do avoid bread and baked goods, but I think at least a half cup of high fiber cereal (like Bran Buds), or unrefinded grain like quinoa, is necessary for my lifestyle. Watch out for processed cereals... many contain artificial sweetners and other junk.

    Also, for those losing weight. I believe occasional fasting or just very light days of eating are good ways to burn fat to get to your desired weight. Just being on your feet will burn calories. Once your desired weight is achieved, you can splurge with just about anything - so long as you don't keep doing it and eat light the next day.

  2. This lifestyle will truly improve almost anyone's health, inflammation and energy problems...

    I like to grate and make a slaw out of raw sweet potatoes and apples etc.
