Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Time

HAD HOPED TO GET BACK to the computer more this week, but alas too much is going on. Still want to write about my recent dinner  with an acquaintance I had hoped would become a friend but turned out to be a radical liberal. We sparred in a civilised way over dinner.  However as we left the restaurant, I shook my head in disbelief at how truly far apart culturally, politically we two really are. Now I doubt I will ever see this person again.  I prefer to stay open and never completely close someone out of my life, but I certainly won't pursue this in the future.  I will be back to write on some of our dinner conversation when I catch my breath.

Since I'm short on time, thought I'd leave with a couple of links I've found of interest over the past few days. Wishing you and your family a wonderful, thankful Thanksgiving. What a blessed time of the year. With all our problems and dilemmas, surely we in America have more than our share to be grateful for. Thanks be to God for the richness of His blessings.

Without further ado, I pass on a few noteworthy links:

****** Besides the individual mandate, what else is wrong with Obamacare? Jeffrey Anderson answers at PJ Media today.

****** My recent dinner with Vladmir Putin in Moscow at Heritage's blog The Foundry. In case you have any doubts as to whether Putin has already elected himself president of Russia for life, this should dispel them.

****** Is the megachurch bubble about to burst? Some say it is. Sure glad I go to a teeny church that has no huge building fund to support.

****** More charges for Sandusky which will probably send him to jail due to insufficient funds to post bail. The story just keeps getting more horrifying.

****** Another must read on Obamacare and the huge time----5.5 hours--- allotted by the Supreme Court for oral arguments. This is almost unheard of. What are the implications of this?  Especially noteworthy is the amount of time parcelled out on the issue of severability, or the issue of what happens if the High Court finds part of Obamacare unconstitutional.  Does that automatically invalidate the entire law?  Very interesting issues to contemplate.

****** The Awful Tyranny of Having to Be Nice. Good piece from the Anchoress.

Will be back with more when I can.  Meanwhile,  Happy Birthday, G-Boy!  Can't wait to see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. 5.5 hours. Worrisome. That is not legal argument, but, rather, theater. I have been confident the SCOTUS will overturn this expansion of the Commerce Clause. Am still confident, but less so.
