Friday, November 18, 2011

Ms. Paltrow, Your Buddy Ms. McCartney Did You No Favors

GOSH I HOPE GWYNNETH GOT THIS DREADFUL DRESS as a free gift from her close friend designer Stella McCartney because I can't imagine paying good money for this travesty. Better yet, perhaps Stella paid her to wear it as a promotion.  No matter,  it may be the least attractive dress I've seen on anyone all year. If this is cutting edge, then take me back to the Renaissance. It's so wrong for so many reasons, I might be here all night if I get started. I'm all for asymmetry but there are limits to where it should go. Clearly she's more than reached it with this whacko, strange and truly unbecoming cut.  Both women can do much better than this.

Read more on this dreadful fashion risk.


  1. I, also, have enjoyed the fun change of pace of the asymmetric designs - such as in your last highlights of Michelle Obama.

    At a primal level, and a mostly unconscious level, a man experiences a dress as an engineering problem: how to disrobe the robed human? Asymmetric dresses offer a sort of invitation: tear the dress off in this direction. I am speaking of a fanciful element of fashion: a subtle element, a subtext to fashion - mostly unconscious, yet there. IMO. Fashion is fanciful. The dress does not, literally, instruct us in how to remove it. And the dress would not be fun if it did. Yet, the dress usually does make a fanciful hint re disrobing. That is part of the fun; of the allure.

  2. Good points, Greg.

    I'm no man and so the allure is not the same, however, in this case wondering if this dress doesn't make a man want to back off and go to the next more appealing challenge?

  3. "next most appealing challenge" Heh.

    Marc Barnes, at Patheos, wrote a thought provoking (for me) analysis of beauty vs. pornography. Gwyneth's dress reminds me of the distinctions which Mr. Barnes highlighted. The dress, at minimum, lacks "Claritas", which means true radiance. The dress is also missing
    "Consonantia", which means harmony with its surroundings. The dress would fit more appropriately inside a Victoria's Secret lingerie show.
